What do we do now?
First, I'd call us all to repentance. It "is time for judgment to begin at the household of God" (1 Peter 4:17). The world doesn't know better. What's our excuse? We'd best get ourselves straight with God. Tough times are coming. We must be prepared for battle.It'd be an appropriate time to pray a Daniel 9 prayer

And what a confession. Read it all, if you haven't. Here's just a taste:
"...we have sinned and done wrong and acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from your commandments and rules. 6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, and to all the people of the land. 7 To you, O Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us open shame, as at this day, to the men of Judah, to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, those who are near and those who are far away, in all the lands to which you have driven them, because of the treachery that they have committed against you. "Second, we should disabuse ourselves of an unreasonable reliance on government or legislation.
Do not trust in nobles,Third, prepare for the worst and hope (and work) for the best.
in man, who cannot save.
...5 Happy is the one whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea and everything in them....
9...He frustrates the ways of the wicked.
10 The LORD reigns forever;
Zion, your God reigns for all generations.
(From Psalm 146 CSB; read the whole psalm)
Judah had an amazing Godsend of a king in Josiah. We read of him, "Before him there was no

But note the very next words: "In spite of all that, the LORD did not turn from the fierceness of His great wrath and anger, which burned against Judah because of all the provocations Manasseh had provoked Him with" (v. 26).
Judah had passed the Point of No Return as to Yahweh's judgment. Too much light rejected, too many opportunities refused, too many warnings spurned (cf. Proverbs 1:22-33).
Can anyone say, with any credibility, that America is not in that exact same situation? Let's be absolutely honest: God has every justification for reducing out nation to a smoking crater, right now, without a syllable of further warning. He may well use President Obama towards that end.
We should prepare for the worst.
At the same time, we should hope and strive. Consider Joel 2:12-14 —
Even now-- this is the LORD's declaration-- turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, weeping, and mourning. 13 Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the LORD your God. For He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, rich in faithful love, and He relents from sending disaster. 14 Who knows? He may turn and relent and leave a blessing behind Him, so you can offer grain and wine to the LORD your God."Who knows?", the prophet asks. You don't; I don't. Amos speaks similarly, after some thundering threats and warnings:
Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate; it may be that the LORD, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph (Amos 6:15)America's turning away has brought it to a sad, bad place. But: "Even now," "Who knows?", and "It may be." The import is clear: we should repent, pray, strive, and hope.
Fourth, have an intelligent grasp of how Romans 13:1-7 applies to the American situation.
Paul teaches that God instituted all authority, and so we are to submit ourselves to the authorities over us. Since God instituted authority, to resist it is to resist God.
Now, before we "welcome our new insect overlords" in an uncritical application of this passage, let's remember a few things.
This is America, not Israel. It is a constitutional republic, not a monarchy (nor a straight democracy). When he takes office, Obama will be in charge of just one of the three branches of our government. He will be neither Messiah nor King.

What is the authority, in our system of government? It is the document that begins:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.The authority is the Constitution, and it was the people who ordained and established it. The Constitution divides power among three branches; it does not invest it in a potentate. The state is not Obama; he is neither Rex, nor Lex, nor the court. He is to execute laws made by another branch. It is an office with a good deal of power; but that power does not include being my sovereign nor my lord.
Further, the men who formed this nation thought it important to guarantee certain rights to me and to all Americans.
And what was the first right they saw fit to guarantee?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.I'm not Obama's serf, I'm not his subject, I'm not his slave. I have no king but Jesus, nor any Messiah but He. I'm an American citizen, and our ruling document guarantees and assures me the right to express my thoughts — including my dissent —

This is my right. It not only is not a violation of Romans 13:1-7 but, you could plausibly argue, it is required by Romans 13:1-7.
How "required"? Because, in our system of government, I am part of the governing authority. I would see a failure to voice my views, and exert such influence as I have, as poor citizenship.
In fact — and truly, it embarrasses me to have to say this, but — Chuck Norris makes better contextual sense than some Christianoid flutterings I've seen. I know, I know: Chuck Norris. No, I'm serious.
So, put briefly, resisting what I see as unwise and/or evil designs from one representative of one branch of government not only is not rebelling against the governing authority, but it expresses respect for the established governing authority. Of which I am part.
So fifth, we should resist every foolish or evil thing Obama means to do, by every peaceful, lawful means at our disposal.
Instant Brockman response would be, "Why 'resist'? Shouldn't we welcome our new messianic overlord, and try to help him succeed in doing good things?"
My twofold response is (A) duh, I don't think I need to say everything, do I?; and (B) I don't know any distinctive thing that I believe Obama proposes to do that I don't see as foolish or evil. I mean, for instance, he hasn't proposed completely trashing all laws whatever; so I do support him on that thing he hasn't proposed to do. But radicalizing abortion access? Evil. Heading towards nationalized healthcare? Foolish.
And now finally I put sixth the thing your average evanjellybean (as well as good bro's) would put first: we should pray. Oh yes, pray. How should we pray?
- We should pray for national repentance and genuine revival
- We should pray that men in the pulpit would be bolder than ever and more fierce and fearless and passionate and Spirit-led than ever, in proclaiming the Word of God above all (cf. Daniel 11:32; 2 Thessalonians 3:1).
- We should pray that God convict Barack Obama of his sin, convince him of Christ's Lordship and of his need for Him, open his eyes to the Gospel, and bring him to repentant, saving faith.
- If that happens, we should pray that Barack Obama should be seriously and quickly discipled in the Word of God, that he would instantly begin putting off his corrupt and evil worldview, and replacing it with convictions that reflect the mind of God.
- Until then, we should pray for his safety, as he gives every sign of being a man who cannot afford to die. Also until then:
- We should pray that God frustrate all his evil plans and defeat every foolish, rapacious, harmful thing he means to visit on our nation (cf. 2 Samuel 15:31; Psalm 3:7; 9:16; 10:15; Proverbs 21:1; etc.);
- We should pray that God protect the innocent from Obama's designs further to expose them to heartless murder (Psalm 10:14b)
- We should pray that God raise up good, godly, responsible, wise, winsome leaders (cf. 1 Samuel 13:14).
So, in short, you could say I won't be going Kent Brockman on you.
Now comments are open, but do note: all rules (especially rule 1) are in effect.
Thanks for excellent biblical counsel for the situation in which we now find ourselves. I pray the church applys the word in this critical time.
I have read your posts for most of 2008 and have enjoyed them and grown from applying them. I truly appreciate you, Frank & Dan. Keep up your good work.
Thanks kindly, Charbo, I appreciate it. (Though I'm merely Dan.)
Re: Daniel 9:6 - would that that was as bad as the church's sin was.
I think it's worse.
We've got false prophets, worldly prophets, weak prophets, ignorant and inept prophets, the list goes ever on.
And we've got the original sheeple filling the pews (if they still exist, more like couches and recliners these days), drinking coffee and munching on Krispy Kremes and hoping their "thought facilitator" for the day will say something relevant and inspiring.
Thank God for verse 19. God may be in the process of giving His disobeient children a good thrashing, but at the end of the day, we're called by His name, and He won't let it be mocked forever.
Great stuff as usual. Thanks for the call to action.
An excellent series, capped with a really straightforward finale.
Not sure why you're so incredulous at Chuck Norris' eloquence; Walker, Texas Ranger always knew exactly what to say, when to say it, and when to roundhouse a guy in the face... :)
If you roll down your car window you can probably hear my "amen" even over the traffic.
My apologies to you and Phil; thanks for the clarification, Dan - that keen eye of yours is one of the many things that keeps me coming back for more.
A prophet without truth is a false prophet. In fact, I will assert, just from what I have seen, that we just have false prophets around.
Otherwise, you are spot on...unfortunately. :-(
I also echo the others, not just for this very good series, but for your Biblical wisdom, Dan. I'm trying to be a sponge, just soaking it all in, and letting the Word swim in in my head and heart.
And now Dan is yelling at me about damnation. (Reaches over to computer speaker and turns the volume down with the Pyro sermon he pointed us to)
There is really no more to be said. You've pretty much said it all.
I appreciate the reminder and good point, as a democratic republic, the people are the governing authorities so that doesn't mean we just shut up for four years.
We don't become unhinged like those suffering from BDS but we do argue the issues.
Actually, I'm going to delete my comment because of the[cough] just in case someone does want to link it.
No, but to your self-deleted post, I have no objections.
I moderate my meta's.
I agree with you wholeheartedly Dan. When I finsihed praying the congregational prayer last Sunday, which included a call for repentance and conversion of Obama, I noticed as I walked down the aisle some very disapproving glances headed my way. I can see this subject as being very divisive in many churches. It's unfortunate. But, if it has to be, then so be it. I can't and won't back down just because the truth is unpopular and I pray others won't as well.
I have also been saying to my wife pretty much everything you've been saying. It's pretty scary actually. The world economy crashing, bailouts coming in every direction meaning the complete socialization of our economy. What crazy time we live in andyet, in a way I find it exciting.
What I like about one of your points, the first point, is a reminder that we must all continue to call for repentance even for those us that voted properly.
Excellent in all respects including sequence and presentation of points of exhortation.
"We should prepare for the worst."
Unfortunately, I am compelled to concur.
Here's another assessment that also takes a dim view of the signs around us:
"He was a former smooth-talking rabble-rouser from the streets, about whom the average citizen knew next to nothing. What they did know was that he was associated with groups that shouted, shoved, and pushed around people with whom they disagreed;
He edged his way onto the political stage through great oratory and promises. Economic times were tough, people were losing jobs, and he was a great speaker. And he smiled and waved a lot. And people, even newspapers, were afraid to speak out for fear that his “brown shirts” would bully them into submission.
He was duly elected to office with a full-throttled economic crisis at hand. Slowly but surely he seized the controls of government power, department by department, person by person, bureaucracy by bureaucracy. The kids joined a Youth Movement in his name, where they were taught what to think.
How did he get the people on his side? He did it promising jobs to the jobless, money to the moneyless, and goodies for the military-industrial complex. He did it by indoctrinating the children, advocating gun control, health care for all, better wages, better jobs, and promising to re-instill pride once again in the country, across Europe, and across the world. He did it with a compliant media and he did this all in the name of justice and change.
His name was Adolf Hitler."
Excerpted from Change is Coming
You are right in that we the people, are part of the governing authorities and we too have a role in policing our government. I've never considered my role of being part of the government of Romans 13! Very helpful!
I know it was a long series, in blog-terms. I appreciate the patience of anyone who read through it all, and am grateful it's helpful. I hope the word gets out a bit, because what I've seen around some of the blogs needs some (Dreadful Word Alert) balance.
Thank you for your continuing call to Christians to think and live as Christians. Thanks also for the specific guidance.
I also wanted to say thank you 10 times for writing "constitutional republic," but thought that might get off point. Sorry CR, no offense please. But then, it is on point isn't it?
I agree Patrick, it is pretty brilliant to remind us, that in our constitutional republic, to show our Constitution and remind us, we are the governing authorities.
A lot of us fail to understand hermeneutical method of implication of a text. Implications are those meanings in a text of which the author was unaware but nevertheless legitmately fall within the patter of meaning he willed.
If we were able to talk to the apostle Paul and ask him, "Paul, when you wrote Romans 13: 1-7, did you mean some of the same stuff Dan is saying about the people being the governing authorities?" He probably would say, "Well, you know, the US Constitution didn't exist back then, and there was no such thing as a constitutional republic nation of states then, like there was today, but you know, that is exactly what I was thiking."
In other words, even though Paul was thinking of the Roman Empire and what Caesar's government should look like, really those passages are about how we should govern ourselves. So, if those passages are about how we should govern ourselves, then, certainly it would apply to a form of government like ours on how we should govern.
What I find laughable is when I read comments from liberal Christians who are almost saying stuff, like, okay, he's (Obama)going to be our President and we need to pay respect and honor him (they don't feel that way about President Bush) and we shouldn't criticize him.
Malchymist - I saw your comment as I was previewing this post. I made corrections to this comment. I think you are right. "democratic republic" is used by countries (Communists) who "claim" to be democratic.
DJP: "What is the authority, in our system of government? ... The authority is the Constitution, and it was the people who ordained and established it."
The following is something that I'm sure DJP is aware of:
"1) At the time of his birth, allegedly in Kenya, his mother was only 18. His father was Kenyan. Per Kenyan law, he is Kenyan. Per our law, he is NOT American, because at the time, the American parent had to be at least 19. Ergo, if he were indeed born in Kenya, he is disqualified from the Presidency… and even from being a U.S. Senator.
2) The short-form copy of his birth certificate posted online has been discredited by three (!) different experts. It matters not, because he is simply required by the Constitution to provide proof positive of his qualifications to be Prez. The online, short-form doesn’t cut it. He has failed to offer the necesssary proof.
3) He was sued. The court required that he answer the suit and offer his proof. He failed to do so in the requisite 30 days, thus by law, conceding the point. The case was later dismissed by reason of jursdiction, and has been refiled. The point of law concession is not invalidated.
4) Even if he does prove it, he was adopted in Indonesia as a child, becoming Barry Soetoro, and a legal citizen of Indonesia and no longer American. He need not renounce his citizenship in that case, as Indonesian law aplies, and is recognized by the U.S. He could reacquire his citizenship, setting things right, if he later took an oath after his 18th birthday. There is no record of him having done so.
So, he denies release of his vault copy of his Birth Certificate, which he legally cannot do, because he is required to produce it. Further, records of his Indonesian status has also been denied to us. He refuses to provide passport records of his trip to Pakistan, as it will show he used his Indonesian citizenship status to gain access. The same goes for his refusal to release his college transcripts, as he seems to have used his Indonesian status to gain preferential access to the schools. These each would be damning evidence of his disqualified status, so they are concealed.
The Constitutional and legal requirements are clear, but people just shrug their shoulders, because they want him to be Prez, but we can’t just overlook the Constitution and laws in this. Even if you support him, these facts and allegations should leave you very concerned as an American.
For my part, do not ask me to support him as my next President until he has settled these simple requirements of proof of citizenship."
If I was a juror, and if I didn't have any more evidence than this, it seems that a reasonable doubt has been established.
This will be my final post here since opposing viewpoints are apparently unwelcome. I'll go and hang out with the "liberal" Christians. It will probably be deleted anyway.
It is unfathomable how absolutely wrong your understanding of the U.S. Constitution is. We are not and never will be the governing authorities unless elected or appointed to a position.
The Constitution creates a government by which the people cede their authority and agree to be ruled over in exchange for certain guarantees and protections.
It is ludicrous to believe that we are the governing authorities. That would make nonsense of the 1st amendment guarantee of the right to a redress of our grievances. To whom would we petition? Ourselves?
I'm done ranting. Now I'll go to those Christian sites that actually read the Bible and understand it. CR does a nice job channeling the apostle Paul. Maybe he ought to read the NPP.
Pratt — This will be my final post here
I'll take that as a promise, and I will hold you to it.
I think it's best. Your stated reason for coming never made sense. You never seemed to believe you had anything to learn here. From the first comment to this one, your pattern has never changed: glance at a sentence or two (at most), misunderstand even those, and then either ignore or insult anyone who tried to help you.
The Constitution creates a government by which the people cede their authority and agree to be ruled over in exchange for certain guarantees and protections.
Talk about "absolutely wrong understanding." One can't get past the Preamble without recognizing that the sovereign authority for the Constitution lies with "We, the People."
In creating this government, the American people did not cede authority but delegated it to elected representatives who are supposed to govern on behalf of the people. Anytime that delegated authority is abused it may and should be revoked. If the people ceded that authority at any time it cannot be taken back. I suppose one may argue that practically speaking we have been so lazy and uncaring as an electorate that we are content to let the horse do the steering. But that's certainly not the way it was set up to be.
Additionally, I think that anyone who actually read the entire series would see that the point is not that we retain all power and the President has none.
The point is that the design of our Republic is such that the ruling authority is the Constitution, and the Constitution specifically guarantees to the people the right to speak freely, criticize, and demand change. It is not opposing the idea that the President has any power. It opposes the notion that the President has all power, and that our Christian duty is to welcome our new insect overlords, silence all criticism, and wish him success in all his endeavors.
Specifically, in the case of a President opposed to so many aspects of Biblical wisdom and morality, it is not only optional, but obligatory for Christian citizens to exercise their stewardship responsibly.
I am glad to see that you are encouraging prayer for Pres. Elect Obama, instead of JUST denigrating him. Rob and I are praying for him too. Finally we agree on something, even if we don't agree on his position before God. Our P. Elect claims saving faith in Christ. Granted he holds positions that I don't agree with, and we are praying, as you are, for conviction and repentance in those areas.
yep. Pray that he be converted from false profession to genuine, repentant faith; and that he be prevented from doing virtually anything he proposed. That, plus work to prevent those implementations. As explained at some length, above.
Kate: Granted he holds positions that I don't agree with, and we are praying, as you are, for conviction and repentance in those areas.
The call to repentance described in this meta is not only for Obama, but for ourselves, including and especially yourself, since you voted for the man.
Daniel's prayer includes a confession for himself even though we don't read anything he did wrong himself. Actually, Daniel was a fine example of government service.
1. Dan, you don't seem to know what the word "disagree" means, because every time I say I disagree with something you've said (written), you say "Yes, but I addressed that" and tell me where you did so. If I disagree, it means that I read what you wrote, and I just don't agree. Telling me to read it again won't make me agree with you.
Carlo, absolutely there are things in my life that I need to repent of, every day. I am thankful that God has forgiven me of ALL of my sins, and that He continually reveals His glory and my need for Him to me.
As far as how I voted, I have not mentioned that here or anywhere else, including privately to you. If you want to discuss that privately, feel free to email me.
Kate:As far as how I voted, I have not mentioned that here or anywhere else, including privately to you. If you want to discuss that privately, feel free to email me.
Actually you did Kate, on your blog. It was in one of your family archive blogs when I was following your trips.
Kate — As far as how I voted, I have not mentioned that here or anywhere else
Well, that's not quite true, is it? From that link:
"Now that I live in a red state, Mississippi, I plan to vote blue. Ironic, isn't it?
"While I have not changed my position on abortion, I have changed the way I view it from a political standpoint. I still believe that it is wrong. ...My fellow conservatives out there may be asking "How, then, can you vote for a Democrat, when you have the opportunity to have a staunch pro-life advocate a heartbeat away from the highest office in the land?" I'll tell you how. I am tired of rising gas prices, declining economy, ridiculously high military spending, a fruitless war with no timeline for withdrawal, a lack of affordable health insurance (something that has affected me personally for much of my adult life), and tax breaks for the richest of Americans, while Middle America carries the burden on its hard-working back.
"...I no longer believe that legislating this issue is the proper approach.
"So, this one-time registered Republican will be voting blue in this election, and praying that the Candidate for Change wins the upcoming election.
"Yes, we can!
"Posted by Kate at 7:53 PM "
So, all the post after post on this issue, and Carlo's call to repentance, apply. You don't like high gas prices (?!), so you vote for the most viciously pro-infanticide presidential candidate, ever.
That's not being able to read the big "E" on the eye chart. It's a real problem. Saying "I disagree" doesn't actually deal with it.
Dan, I'll say the same thing to you that I said to Carlo. If you believe I am in sin, please email me, personally, and tell me why. A public forum is not the place.
I said those things in my blog, and I meant them, and I still do. I had just forgotten about them. As far as implying that gas prices and the economy were the only reason for voting the way I did, that is extreme hyperbole and you and I both know it. War is a VERY important issue, and so is health care. I'm sure you've addressed those in your prolific writing as well.
I am done here. The blogosphere is neither friendly nor edifying.
As you wish, Kate. I gave the link to your whole rationale, which both amazed and chagrined me.
Unless you alter the page — and, since you're unrepentant about it, I don't know why you would — anyone who wishes can see and how you rationalized putting the scalpel in Obama's hand and aiming him at the unborn.
You made a public statement, Kate. Perhaps you persuaded other Christians to follow your example, by means of your public statement. My reasons for seeing it as I do are also all public. You say you read it all? I really have nothing further to say in private.
CR: "The call to repentance described in this meta is not only for Obama, but for ourselves, including and especially yourself, since you voted for the man."
DJP: "So, all the post after post on this issue, and Carlo's call to repentance, apply. You don't like high gas prices (?!), so you vote for the most viciously pro-infanticide presidential candidate, ever.
"...anyone who wishes can see and how you rationalized putting the scalpel in Obama's hand and aiming him at the unborn."
(Grimace with a slow, deep intake of air and an unsure nod of the head). Dear CR and DJP, you both are wonderful and good on-line brothers in Christ. I don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak, and I'm not too familiar with this being an area where disciples can sharpen the iron of another disciple via loving rebuke and admonishment.
It may very well be, it's just that I'm simply not familiar with it in a contemporary Protestant context. It just seems like a terrain fraught with pitfalls and a potentially terrible backlash, and if so, I'd counsel careful treading.
Just my 2 cents worth.
P.S. I've heard of Catholics saying that they are going to confession to confess their sin of voting for pro-abortionist Obama, and I've heard of a priest stating that his parishioners need to do a deep reflection on whether they're worthy of Communion if they voted for Obama, but I'm not (yet) aware of any Protestant pastor who has informed his flock that voting for Obama is a sin.
If it's a time to be bold, then please forgive me for suggesting caution.
Pax in Christ alone.
Another good lecture by RC Sproul on his Renewing Your Mind broadcast for the 11/18/08 broadcast called, "Government." Click on Audio.
Sproul ends by saying, e.g.,
"Both church and state are under God. Church has its function and state has its function to perform. And so when the state is performing the function to which God has called it, we as people who are subjects of God should not be resisting it. But should be participating in it. But what has happened in our day is that the concept of separation of church and state has come to mean for many people the separation of state and God. As if the state ruled autonomously on basis of its own intrinsic authority. Christians can’t buy that. We see the state as answerable to God, ordained by God and certainly a legitimate vehicle for the people of God to serve God. So that if in our vocation we can serve the world by serving our fellow man in government we are not acting against Christ at that level but our involvement in government is an arena in which the Christian is called to bear witness to the righteousness and the style of government that Christ himself exhibits.
And he says,
" Even though God is over church and state, the Christian lives in both church and state and he has one set of responsibilities to the church and another set of responsibilities to the state."
This is for believers that can see the Big E, at least.
Also, there's some additional stuff you might be interested, Dan, or others (since I think you went to this conference) on T4G - Click on video - Panel Discussion #1. I don't know, I don't watch the videos. Totally unrelated to this thread though.
Dan I have to apoglize I know I have all ready posted here in the past and defended Obama. I was sincere but I was sincerelly wrong. With Obama's repeal of The Mexico City law I am done with him I can no longer defend the man only pray for his converson and that God restrains Obama's hand from doing evil and bring national repentance God help us and Heal Our Land
Unfortunately, Obama does seem to intend to keep his anti-baby promises.
Amen to your prayers.
You wrote: "Because, in our system of government, I am part of the governing authority. I would see a failure to voice my views, and exert such influence as I have, as poor citizenship."
This does not absolve you of the responsibility to honor the other parts of government.
Your comments are regularly demeaning and insulting.
Think for one second about the government Paul was encouraging his hearers to honor!
I agree with every policy position I have ever seen you express. I have worked professionally and volunteered on dozens of political campaigns. I am considered a right-wing nut in political circles.
Your political rhetoric is miles away from honoring God's appointed governors. And by mimicing the rhetoric of conservative politicians you obscure the cross.
Unbelievers I love and care about are constantly assaulted by a Christianity that appears to care about their vote not their sole. I know that is not your intent but I believe it is a result of your most common insulting political commentary.
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