Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Caroline Kennedy: she knows!


The American MSM won't care, though. I mean, dude — she's a Kennedy!

It's not like she's a remarkably accomplished governor, who represents (A) positions the MSM loathes, and (B) poses a potential threat to The One's anointing!


CR said...

It is kinda weird that Caroline Schlossberg (that is her name) is being criticized by some liberals though.

Trinian said...

Now Miss Kennedy, [snide remark that could equally apply to Obama], is in danger of emulating her cousin Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of Robert Kennedy, who was shot dead in 1968 while he was a Senator for New York.

Wait... is that a threat?

Rachael Starke said...

I am 8,645% convinced that Ms. Kennedy watched/read all that the MSM offered up on each side of the election, looked at what Sarah Palin managed to survive/accomplish and thought "Oh, they are just gonna loooooooove me."

And what she didn't pay attention to was the plummeting ad/circulation numbers of same media outlets, which only a gerbil would blame merely on the Internet, rather than the massive unveiling of the "Great And Powerful OZ" as a complete and utter fraud (Exhibit A -Newseek and its attempt at objective exegesis of Holy Writ).

I'm convinced the MSM know that if it doesn't fry Ms. Kennedy (or at least perhaps braise her in a low oven in a nice red wine), they will simply be signalling their acknowledgement of their inevitable demise, and making some kind of desperate imitation of an ignoble, inept captain compelled to go down with the ship.

NoLongerBlind said...

Only 25 more visits before the 300K
The count-up continues, ever-so-steadily....

Dan, you need something controversial to push it over the top....

Jon said...

Quick! Talk about Eschatology!