The One's Education Secretary-designate says, "I teached kidz to talk English reel gud!" Well, not really; but the school system administered by Arne Duncan since 2001, testing for 2007 revealed that only 17 percent of eighth graders read at or above grade level. Clearly this is the sort of excellence that drew The One to him, and not any kind of same-old-same-old cronyism. Because, you know, in that case, the MSM would be all over him. Srsly!
I mentioned Rick Warren's choice to pray at The One's anointing. My good friend Al Mohler (well, I shook his hand once) weighs in on a couple of points. He discusses the storm of outrage The One has received for this pick, and gives a lengthy evaluation. Mine would be much briefer. Here it is: If Obama had a good soul and brain working together, he should simply have responded to the GLBT's, "So, is it your position that practicing Christians should be barred from public life altogether?" But, having sold his soul long ago to the worst elements in the nation, I'm sure 0 wouldn't want (nor find himself able) to pose that question. Because that pretty much is the position of today's Democratic Party.
Mohler also says that he'd have declined the invitation to pray, because of Obama's appalling threats against the unborn. Of course I agree heartily with Mohler's horror at Obama's anti-child extremism. But he doesn't seem to entertain the possibility of praying a prophetic prayer that boldly, passionately and unambiguously preaches the Gospel and points the nation to repentance.
How do you get a future in American politics? Well, you can work hard, focus, keep to your principles, and pile up a tall stack of impressive accomplishments... or you can be named "Kennedy." Just not "Palin."
As you know, I whacked away at the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still remake both here and at Pyro. Over there, I particularly took issue with the glowing review at Christian Post. A couple of commenters understandably thought it was a Christianity Today review. That would make sense, since the latter is, as a rule, far more interested in "today" than unpopular elements of Biblical "Christianity." However, it's interesting that the review in Christianity Today is similar to mine in some ways — except in objecting at any length to its contradiction to the Gospel.
Well, this is just sad, and if you don't need sad, don't bother. Also, it is the MSM, and it is second-hand or third-hand. But AP says that disgraced NAE president Ted Haggard confesses to struggling with his sexuality. Now of course that's sad, but it isn't the saddest. Read the article (if you want to), and you can't but notice: it's all horizontal. Purely, drably, deadly horizontal.
But as I said, that is the Associated Press, whose motto could appropriately be "The Uninformed Misinforming the Uninformed." Want another example? Check this article about the electors casting their votes for Obama. Particularly chew this sentence over: "Monday's voting was a largely ceremonial procedure, but one mandated by the Constitution." Seriously. Think that one over. Seriously. That's our mainstream media, doing all the thinking and knowing for us, so that we don't have to.
The Haggard piece is sad, especially this line: "The reason I kept my personal struggle a secret is because I feared that my friends would reject me, abandon me and kick me out, and the church would exile and excommunicate me. And that happened and more."
I think being part of a younger generation has allowed me to be far more open about it, but of course I've still had the same fears. I do think, if he had been open about it, he might not have ended up in the mess he did.
Of course, the headline "Haggard Struggles With Sexuality," is pretty obvious, isn't it? Sexually-adjusted guys don't really go seeking prostitutes (male or female, for that matter).
It reveals a complete cluelessness on his part, if reported accurately. His problem wasn't horizontal, it was vertical. It is no different than if he'd said "I really wanted to molest children / commit rape / murder people, but I didn't want to talk about it because people would abandon me." Utterly clueless — again, if reported accurately.
True. I mean, the fears aren't out of left field. Some people do get shunned for being open about their struggles, especially sexual ones. I've known some very God-fearing people who have simply gotten burned by Christians who, well, weren't acting like Christians.
So being open is often a gamble, because you know you can't do it alone (and you learn this lesson early, or should), but at the same time you don't know if the people you choose to tell are going to be helpful or harmful. The only thing you can do is pray about it.
Given the organization Haggard led, I'm not optimistic that the church landscape he was part of then was going be be much help. When politics is at the center of an organization rather than the Gospel....hmmm, seems like we've had this discussion before once or twice.
But it doesn't seem like where he's going now is much better, if what he and his wife are saying are any indication. Really sad to have fallen that hard and still have so much pride...
And re: Obama's choice for America's chief pray-er - why hasn't he reached out to Mark Dever? Isn't his church just a couple blocks away? O could still fit in his Sunday morning workout...
The Day the Earth Stood Still wasn't that good as you noted. What made it even more pathetic is that a Christian directed it. There definitely were Green Overtones and ignorant stuff like "we can change." I'm more sensitive to overtones like this. It would have been more palatable if a non-Christian directed it.
Other Palin news, it seems the MSM is still obsessed with Palin. They reported that her future in-law got arrested in drug charges.
I talk to a long-time friend of mine (25 years) a few weeks ago and he said, "I can't stand her." (meaning Palin). I said, why George? “I don't know, I just can't stand her.” He accused me in a half joking way that I only voted Republican because of Palin's beauty. This guy is millionaire. It was weird, during the whole election season he was the one that brought up politics and trying to convince me to vote for Obama. Pretty ignorant guy like all Obama voters.
It looks like Palin and Bush Derangement Syndrome are here to stay as long as there is any chance of Palin running for office again.
So you either (A) say you don't do that, you pray extemporaneously; (B) submit one with both barrels and, if it's rejected, Alert the Media and release the text; or (C) submit a text but warn them that you also pray extemporaneously - and do so.
Should Christians be barred from public life? Increasingly, liberals are becoming very open and willing to actually articulate this POV. IN THE USA!!! (should we send a thank you note to Bill Maher?)
I moderate an "inclusive" homeschooling list with about 900 members. It was a constant battle this fall to keep things from degenerating into political chaos (political discussions are verboten unless homeschooling related). There is a vocal group of liberals that has a hooey any time anyone posts anything that might have a Christian or conservative POV and they DEMAND a disclaimer be posted with the link or quote. Something along the lines of: WARNING: THIS SITE HAS A CHRISTIAN AND/OR CONSERVATIVE BIAS. INFORMATION MAY NOT BE RELIABLE!! Of course, they had an equally huge hooey when the suggestion was made that we, in fairness, post a similar disclaimer when a liberal site was posted (i.e. anything from the MSM).
Anyway, finally, someone had the nerve to actually say what is behind what they really think:
"As much as I don't want to say it [OH YES SHE DID!!] I think it's time that conservatives are out of public offices - all of them...I think the conservative side of politics spends far too much energy on generating enemies and dictating their version of morality and I think it is chipping away at what democracy is in this country."
When pushed to determine if they didn't also want to push their "version of morality" on everyone else, their feigned innocence was hilarious! Either they are completely delusional or pathological liars. They couldn't explain why it was OK to "impose" the view that murder or child molestation should be illegal, but abortion or gay marriage should not be. Polygamy? That might be OK. Interesting that none on the gay marriage side would condemn that one.
I think we should expect more and more the marginalizing of the Christian POV in our society.
OK, I'm getting really long now, I apologize! I was just looking at the website for a local university and see that they REQUIRE two classes in the diversity curriculum for ALL students! We are in Ohio for crying out loud, not on the East coast!
Of course! He's all ready to go should The Cool One get cold feet, or a cold or something.
And because we've got evidence some of his faithful minions hover here, no doubt they're Blackberrying back to the one Dan's availability in the event of an emergency...
Rebecca, I have thought the same thing. Cynic that I am, I'm sure the prayer will be meticulously orchestrated to fit the agenda and will be generic and ecumenical - something that will give even the Pope and the Dalai Lama the warm fuzzies (two other guys who, like Warren, are leaders in the cause of global P.E.A.C.E.).
I hope I'm wrong and that Christ will be lifted up. I look forward to hearing the prayer in January.
I can't get over the irony - Rick Warren has spent all these years seeking to eliminate the offence of the Christian "message" and to please the masses, and now he finds himself being demonized for his views on homosexuality. The fence is proving to be a very uncomfortable place to be! I pray that Rick Warren would realize through this that pleasing men is for naught.
Al Mohler is right, if you really want to be cool in the world's eyes, your view on homosexuality is probably going to be the deciding issue.
Vis a vis Arne Duncan as Education Secretary: Maybe we should just be grateful that Rod Blagojevich is not heading the White House Ethics office.
Cronyism is endemic among politicians as a class because, having no intrinsically useful skill set, they have to rely on each another to stay employed. For some reason the cronyism is noticeably worse in Chicago and Obama is quickly proving that he is a product of that milieu and that he intends to perpetuate it. So the dear Christian brethren who thought the promise of change was worth risking baby murder will get the murder but not the change. This would be ironic if it weren't so predictable.
The Spin liberals will put on Duncan is that he's great: look at the graduation rates. True. Graduation improved from 47 to 55 percent when he came in. That's significant.
But as Dan pointed out, test scores did not improve.
I do have one question, though. If Duncan has done such a great job with Chicago public schools how come those schools weren't good enough for Obama's daughters?
Y'know, I've been thinking about the Rick Warren/Al Mohler inauguration invitation situation (that was way too long for a description!) and I wrestle with it.
I can't say with blanket confidence that a Christian should not accept such an opportunity, but I can say with confidence that if they don't make the most of it for God's Gospel that they will come out of it looking like a conspirator rather than a combatant.
Telling you what dainty elitists won't tell you, and saying it the way they won't say it, since 2004.
You're welcome.
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The World-Tilting Gospel available At Westminster Bks now
The Haggard piece is sad, especially this line: "The reason I kept my personal struggle a secret is because I feared that my friends would reject me, abandon me and kick me out, and the church would exile and excommunicate me. And that happened and more."
I think being part of a younger generation has allowed me to be far more open about it, but of course I've still had the same fears. I do think, if he had been open about it, he might not have ended up in the mess he did.
Of course, the headline "Haggard Struggles With Sexuality," is pretty obvious, isn't it? Sexually-adjusted guys don't really go seeking prostitutes (male or female, for that matter).
It reveals a complete cluelessness on his part, if reported accurately. His problem wasn't horizontal, it was vertical. It is no different than if he'd said "I really wanted to molest children / commit rape / murder people, but I didn't want to talk about it because people would abandon me." Utterly clueless — again, if reported accurately.
True. I mean, the fears aren't out of left field. Some people do get shunned for being open about their struggles, especially sexual ones. I've known some very God-fearing people who have simply gotten burned by Christians who, well, weren't acting like Christians.
So being open is often a gamble, because you know you can't do it alone (and you learn this lesson early, or should), but at the same time you don't know if the people you choose to tell are going to be helpful or harmful. The only thing you can do is pray about it.
Given the organization Haggard led, I'm not optimistic that the church landscape he was part of then was going be be much help. When politics is at the center of an organization rather than the Gospel....hmmm, seems like we've had this discussion before once or twice.
But it doesn't seem like where he's going now is much better, if what he and his wife are saying are any indication. Really sad to have fallen that hard and still have so much pride...
And re: Obama's choice for America's chief pray-er - why hasn't he reached out to Mark Dever? Isn't his church just a couple blocks away? O could still fit in his Sunday morning workout...
> Most Americans who say they are
> Christians don't have a clue what
> being a Christian means!
It means you were born in America.
And you're not Jewish.
The Day the Earth Stood Still wasn't that good as you noted. What made it even more pathetic is that a Christian directed it. There definitely were Green Overtones and ignorant stuff like "we can change." I'm more sensitive to overtones like this. It would have been more palatable if a non-Christian directed it.
Other Palin news, it seems the MSM is still obsessed with Palin. They reported that her future in-law got arrested in drug charges.
I talk to a long-time friend of mine (25 years) a few weeks ago and he said, "I can't stand her." (meaning Palin). I said, why George? “I don't know, I just can't stand her.” He accused me in a half joking way that I only voted Republican because of Palin's beauty. This guy is millionaire. It was weird, during the whole election season he was the one that brought up politics and trying to convince me to vote for Obama. Pretty ignorant guy like all Obama voters.
It looks like Palin and Bush Derangement Syndrome are here to stay as long as there is any chance of Palin running for office again.
I've often wondered if the text of the inaugural prayer has to be approved beforehand....
Yep, that would be my fear.
So you either (A) say you don't do that, you pray extemporaneously; (B) submit one with both barrels and, if it's rejected, Alert the Media and release the text; or (C) submit a text but warn them that you also pray extemporaneously - and do so.
Should Christians be barred from public life? Increasingly, liberals are becoming very open and willing to actually articulate this POV. IN THE USA!!! (should we send a thank you note to Bill Maher?)
I moderate an "inclusive" homeschooling list with about 900 members. It was a constant battle this fall to keep things from degenerating into political chaos (political discussions are verboten unless homeschooling related). There is a vocal group of liberals that has a hooey any time anyone posts anything that might have a Christian or conservative POV and they DEMAND a disclaimer be posted with the link or quote. Something along the lines of: WARNING: THIS SITE HAS A CHRISTIAN AND/OR CONSERVATIVE BIAS. INFORMATION MAY NOT BE RELIABLE!! Of course, they had an equally huge hooey when the suggestion was made that we, in fairness, post a similar disclaimer when a liberal site was posted (i.e. anything from the MSM).
Anyway, finally, someone had the nerve to actually say what is behind what they really think:
"As much as I don't want to say it [OH YES SHE DID!!] I think it's time that conservatives are out of public offices - all of them...I think the conservative side of politics spends far too much energy on generating enemies and dictating their version of morality and I think it is chipping away at what democracy is in this country."
When pushed to determine if they didn't also want to push their "version of morality" on everyone else, their feigned innocence was hilarious! Either they are completely delusional or pathological liars. They couldn't explain why it was OK to "impose" the view that murder or child molestation should be illegal, but abortion or gay marriage should not be. Polygamy? That might be OK. Interesting that none on the gay marriage side would condemn that one.
I think we should expect more and more the marginalizing of the Christian POV in our society.
OK, I'm getting really long now, I apologize! I was just looking at the website for a local university and see that they REQUIRE two classes in the diversity curriculum for ALL students! We are in Ohio for crying out loud, not on the East coast!
So you either...
Whoa! You've already thought this thing through enough to have a contingency plan!
Let's just say I'm watching the phone.
(Then let's just laugh)
Rebecca -
Of course! He's all ready to go should The Cool One get cold feet, or a cold or something.
And because we've got evidence some of his faithful minions hover here, no doubt they're Blackberrying back to the one Dan's availability in the event of an emergency...
Rebecca, I have thought the same thing. Cynic that I am, I'm sure the prayer will be meticulously orchestrated to fit the agenda and will be generic and ecumenical - something that will give even the Pope and the Dalai Lama the warm fuzzies (two other guys who, like Warren, are leaders in the cause of global P.E.A.C.E.).
I hope I'm wrong and that Christ will be lifted up. I look forward to hearing the prayer in January.
I can't get over the irony - Rick Warren has spent all these years seeking to eliminate the offence of the Christian "message" and to please the masses, and now he finds himself being demonized for his views on homosexuality. The fence is proving to be a very uncomfortable place to be! I pray that Rick Warren would realize through this that pleasing men is for naught.
Al Mohler is right, if you really want to be cool in the world's eyes, your view on homosexuality is probably going to be the deciding issue.
Vis a vis Arne Duncan as Education Secretary: Maybe we should just be grateful that Rod Blagojevich is not heading the White House Ethics office.
Cronyism is endemic among politicians as a class because, having no intrinsically useful skill set, they have to rely on each another to stay employed. For some reason the cronyism is noticeably worse in Chicago and Obama is quickly proving that he is a product of that milieu and that he intends to perpetuate it. So the dear Christian brethren who thought the promise of change was worth risking baby murder will get the murder but not the change. This would be ironic if it weren't so predictable.
The Spin liberals will put on Duncan is that he's great: look at the graduation rates. True. Graduation improved from 47 to 55 percent when he came in. That's significant.
But as Dan pointed out, test scores did not improve.
I do have one question, though. If Duncan has done such a great job with Chicago public schools how come those schools weren't good enough for Obama's daughters?
Y'know, I've been thinking about the Rick Warren/Al Mohler inauguration invitation situation (that was way too long for a description!) and I wrestle with it.
I can't say with blanket confidence that a Christian should not accept such an opportunity, but I can say with confidence that if they don't make the most of it for God's Gospel that they will come out of it looking like a conspirator rather than a combatant.
I think that makes perfect sense, Mark.
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