Sunday, March 01, 2009

Paul Harvey (1918-2009)

Broadcasting legend Paul Harvey passed away yesterday. His distinctive voice and viewpoint will be missed by many.

Here is an actual video of one of Harvey's "Rest of the Story."

In the '80s, Harvey was interviewed by some poor soul named Jimmy Carter (not the national disgrace of the same name):

Michelle Malkin has a guest blogger give an impression of Harvey's life. The writer is on-target: "Paul Harvey invented blogging; he just did his blogging on the radio."

I plan to add some Updates later.

UPDATE: I don't know where Harvey was, spiritually. An essay titled If I Were the Devil was circulated in Harvey's name, and he has read it, but Snopes can't verify whether he actually wrote it or not. It contains a lot of common sense and even some Biblical wisdom, but no overt Gospel. I imagine that religious remembrances of Harvey will include that dubiously-attributed essay, as well as the falsely-attributed essay on prayer, and another false "quotation" of Paul Harvey on Mel Gibson's The Passion.

Harvey read An Open Letter from God. From a Biblical perspective, it's utter rubbish, and I hope Harvey knew and believed better. It was actually written by Bo Lozoff, who was far from a Christian, and is subject of lurid reports.


JackW said...

It's like losing a childhood friend, he's been such a part of my life for such a long time. A good life. I miss him.

The Squirrel said...

Lunch time will never be the same. so many memories...

The Squirrel

Sam said...

My American History teacher in high school (who was also my Sunday School teacher) always opened his class with one of two things: a Moral Minute or a Paul Harvey story. I always enjoyed Harvey's wit and wisdom: he will be missed. Hopefully, we will meet him in eternity when everyone "will know...the rest of the story."

Fred Butler said...

He single handily managed to spread many of our great American urban legends with his "...That's the rest of the story."

Kara said...

Now I'll never know "the rest of the story" anymore :( unless some1 else takes over. I know his son took over at one point, maybe he will do so again.

Gilbert said...

I grew up with Paul Harvey. My parents listened to his reports each day, and I grew to like them as well. For 30 years, I had listened to him. Being just 15 miles from his Chicago studios growing up, and carried on the blowtorch of WGN-AM 720 radio, his news was conservative BUT, it was what HE thought was news, and actually thought of himself as a mere entertainer. Funny, though, his "news" does and would destroy most "news" shows in terms of content and quality.

His delivery...what can be said. "The rest of the story"...was actually written by his son, I believe. And his wife produced the news.

But now it's over. No matter where he is right now, there's no doubt that he now knows...the REST of the story. And hopefully, it's in heaven.

Paul Harvey.........good day!

VcdeChagn said...

He did say something interesting in his interview.

He said either there will not be another Paul Harvey or there will be a multiplicity of them with opinions running the spectrum from left to right...he predicted it for the radio, but in the end, it fits the "blogosphere" that we have today, and with Michelle Malkin's guest writer.