Monday, September 28, 2009

Some fun, a cappella and otherwise

I said "fun." Not deep, not haute couture. Just fun.


Then here are at least some of the same people doing Joni Mitchell's "Twisted":

And then, alyrically:

NOTE: I'll be afk most of the day, if not all. Be patient about comments.


Gary said...

Even more fun and low-brow...

Jay said...

Loved the Simpsons theme song. Reminds me of the Lego opening.

And the live-action promo that was done in the UK.

Rachael Starke said...

Listening to the Joni Mitchell one made me think "Hmmm, that sounds an awful lot like one my jazz group used to do in high school..."

This one, to be exact...

I looked for an acapella version of it, but all that did was help remind me of what a fine line there is between the lush tones of a Joni Mitchell and the, um, not of the Sweeney Sisters. :)

And if I'm not mistaken, the third clip was filmed in Australia, and very possibly my home town of Melbourne. They have a really great tradition of "busking". Unlike the San Francisco homeless person hitting a cup with a stick, in Melbourne, if you want to perform in the city for money, you have to go to city hall and get a license and someone has to actually hear or see what you're going to do. Makes for a lot of great music and performance art.

Barbara said...

Gary and Jay, great minds think alike, huh? :)

Susan said...

Wowsers! Inspector Gadget was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. I always thought it was pretty lame that a grown man like Gadget had to rely on his brilliant niece and smart dog to defeat Dr. Claw and yet never had a clue about it!! (BTW, I liked the cartoon more when they had the Dr. Claw with the Darth Vader voice--the second guy's voice was too high-pitched and not evil enough!!)