Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas music: "O Come All Ye Faithful"

This is the first of three Christmas music video treats I have scheduled for today.

(h-t Jim Kirby from Facebook)


NoLongerBlind said...


Brad Williams said...


Nice video. However, you are evil.

You are evil because you promised to post two more videos later today. This will only aggravate my OCD clicking problem. I am, and will continue to click over here to check and see if you have posted the other videos every 5 - 15 seconds because I cannot help it.

This is because I also have a stubborn disorder that refuses to allow me to learn to use what is known as "RSS", which apparently beeps at you when your favorites post new things so you don't have to OCD click.

Wretched. I am wretched. Thanks, Dan.

DJP said...

(I don't understand RSS, either.)

GrammaMack said...

I don't understand RSS either, but one of my sons signed me up on Google Reader. It doesn't beep, but it does show you when there's a new post to check.

Of course I don't understand Google Reader either, but I do appreciate it and my son. :-)

Steven R. Robertson said...

Brad: you're not alone. Said syndrome is particularly aggravated for me on H&T days, since I'm usually online before Dan posts them.

Firefox has an extension "Refresh every..." that comes in handy, too...

wv: antater. As in, a long-nosed mammal whose primary diet is ants and who is indigenous to the Southern US.