Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mystery quotation: Who gave this piece of marriage advice?

"Do whatever she tells you to do."


  1. If you know, say
  2. If you don't know, guess


DJP said...

Unless someone nails it (and maybe even then), I'll let the guessing go on for a few hours. Or if the trickle is slow, all day.

REM said...

Not a clue. Perhaps you are confused and Admiral Akbar said this concerning Leia?

Robert said...

I'll take a guess and then google it. Queen Elizabeth.

DJP said...

Given my readership, this could be fun. Maybe almost as much as fun as one of Frank's "I don't have anything to say" posts.

Already is, actually.

Robert said...

This will probably be more entertaining because there are so many directions this could go.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that our POTUS?

Merrilee Stevenson said...

What's the prize if we nail it early on? (Signed copy of Dan Phillips' book--which IS on my Christmas wish list, by the way?)

My guess is:


DJP said...

LOL, Merilee gives us a little peek into the Stevenson household!


Lynda O said...

Umm... Adam, in the garden of Eden? At least, that's what he did -- whatever she told him to do.

Al said...

There is something in this quote that rattles around my brain, as if it used to be attached to a character in a movie. Unfortunately, the only movie making its way to my frontal cortex is Forest Gump, wherein Forest is in Army boot camp getting grilled by his Drill Sergeant:

DS: Gump, what is your sole purpose in this man's Army?

FG: To do whatever you tell me drill sergeant!

Like some virus, this bit of drivel has attached itself to the synapse that should hold your quote and will not allow the healthy trivia to reproduce.

I hate that.

al sends

Exblogitory said...

Maybe it is God's instructions to Abraham regarding Sarah's demand for Hagar & Ishmael to be cast out: "Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you."

Exblogitory said...

BTW, that's from Genesis 21:12.

corinthian said...

Jesus said it about his mother at the wedding in Cana

corinthian said...

Jesus said it regarding his mother at the wedding. No, I am not Catholic...

DJP said...

Or correct. I think you have it backwards. Intentional?

JMJ said...

I'm going to guess Bill Cosby on the cosby show, as advice to Alvin.

Scot said...

I'm shooting for this side of the pond:

Bill Hybels

Anonymous said...

If 'marriage advice' means 'advice given during the occasion of the start of a marriage', then my answer is


Otherwise, sounds like something Rick Warren would say.

Or maybe Mark Driscoll.

DJP said...

If 'marriage advice' means 'advice given during the occasion of the start of a marriage', then my answer is


Terry, could you explain?

Anonymous said...

Corinthian has the right idea, it's Mary at the wedding in Cana using the gender sensitive language of the new NIV.

Mike Westfall said...

My dad, addressing me and referring to my mom. When I was a teenager, that is.

JackW said...

Ok, here's my top 10 guesses:

AL Bundy
Archie Bunker
Brad Pitt
Bill Clinton
Phil Donahue
Jim Baker
Tiger Woods
Mike Tyson
Ted Turner
Ike Turner

Mike Westfall said...

Oh, wait. You said mawwiage advice, not mother-son relationship advice.

So, strike my above.

Insert Dr. Phil.
Or Dr. Dobson.
Or Hybels, or Osteen or...

OK, let's face it.
I got nothing.

MSC said...

Corinthian said:
"Jesus said it about his mother at the wedding in Cana."

You got this backward. Mary said it about Jesus. "Whatever HE says to you, do it."

Mike Westfall said...

Well I went ahead and Googled it.
So now I know who the REAL...

Oh wait. No spoilers.

Lynda O said...

Yes, I found it also, by googling. Interesting...

Pierre Saikaley said...

My guess...George Burns?

Paula Bolyard said...

Sounds like something Ray Romano would say.

It also reminds me of this exchange from the TV show, Parenthood:

Adam: You want my advice, step one apologize to Renee.

Crosby: For what, I didn't do anything.

Adam: It's just, you know what, you're a man. It's just what men do. We apologize. I say three I'm sorrys before I get out of bed in the morning.

It's tough being a man these days! Next thing you know Obama's Man Card Czar is going to start round up the cards en masse

Anonymous said...

I had something I was going to post and then I saw the word verification was "failure" so I decided I'd better not.

DJP said...

I don't think we should tread the word-verif's as canonical.

CR said...

Didn't Bill Clinton say that to Barack Obama when he took over the press conference?

Mike Westfall said...

"failure" may not be prophetic, but seems strangely apropos.

Unknown said...

dum dum da dum dum da dum da dum da dum dum, but I think he was subliminally making reference to Pelosi

Kris N. said...

I believe it was in some movie, seems like Billy Crystal maybe. It's been rolling around in my head all day (a la Al's comment), but I can't put my finger on it. May have to Google it soon before I go crazy here in my cubicle (wouldn't be the first time, either).

JD Gunter said...

I heard John Macarthur say something like that one time.

Anonymous said...

Did Google out of utter cluelessness, won't spoil. Just wanted to let you know that your post came up #5 on the results list.

DJP said...

Must try much harder.


Lynda O said...

Just wanted to let you know that your post came up #5 on the results list.
Dan, you're moving up the list. The Google search I did that gave the answer, listed your post as #1 -- and the answer itself in the 4th listing.

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Boy, it sure seems that a number of your readers are RULE-BREAKERS! (Rule number THREE.) But at least they're not spoilers. That is nice. But I'm not peeking.

So...should I expect the grand prize for being right? Will I have to wait until next Christmas to redeem it?

DJP said...

Well, regardless, I guess it's time.

It was....

President Barack Hussein Obama.

DJP said...

...which, BTW, Cindy guessed pretty much right out of the gate.

(It was either POTUS or TOTUS. Hard to tell.)

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Well that's embarrassing. I suppose plenty of other "sensible" people have made the same mistake.


DJP said...

But Merrilee, you'll have to explain. So far, nobody has. How did you make out that God said "Do whatever she tells you to do"?

Mike Westfall said...

But, Dan! You just said that Obama is the source of the quote!

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Well, Dan, thanks for asking. (sigh.)

It was a guess.

(That was one of the options.)

But it was an educated guess. Along the lines of what Exblogitory said. I once knew a girl named Sarah, who said that was her "life verse," and I thought it was a trick question.

: )

Susan said...

My answer before reading the comments (except the first one):



Pierre Saikaley said...

At least my answer was close...both men have played the role of God. :)

Susan said...

Perhaps I should elaborate on my guess (now that I know who said it). You see, when I read the quote, the person that I thought would most likely be represented by the pronoun "she" was Mrs. DJP, so naturally I would have to answer the way I did....

(No objections from you, I'm sure, Dan.)


Duane & Patricia said...

I believe it comes out of the Princess Bride, but I can't remember where. Hey Exblogatory-Chris- how are you! Funny meeting up with you here! Duane & Patricia haven't seen you for years. How's the family-Give our love

Duane & Patricia said...

But then again didn't the angel that appeared to Hagar say for her to return to her mistress and "do whatever she tells you to do"?

Merrilee Stevenson said...

"LOL, Merilee gives us a little peek into the Stevenson household!" my husband and I were just talking, and he thinks I should just ask you directly when the book is scheduled to publish. He thinks I should tell you that my birthday is on the 27th, and that it IS in fact on my wish list, and since we both read your blog, it might be a good way for me to get the hint to HIM that I want to be a proud owner of my own copy. But I thought it might be TMI, off-topic (though actually not off-topic as I think of it), and perhaps a subject you were discreetly trying to step around without drawing attention to it, so I won't ask. (Even though I would like to know.)

DJP said...

Thanks for asking, Merrilee.

The date for the Kregel book is being set around now, and I should be able to say firmly soon. It is to be released somewhere around Fall next year, by October 31. It has an official title:

The World-Tilting Gospel
Embracing a Biblical Worldview and Hanging on Tight

I'll let you know more when I know more.

As to the Proverbs book, to be published by Kress, I don't have a date. They had mentioned possibly having it out by Shepherd's Conference, but I really think that's unlikely, as the editing process hasn't started yet.

Thanks again for your interest!

Robert said...


I know Merilee asked, but thanks for the book info...I'll also be eagerly waiting.

Also, I feel like you could do a whole other post just based on that article. It is sad that these guys actually got people from both sides together and could get absolutely no real dialogue.

Jim Peet said...

My Father!

Who also always had the last word in any argument with Mom - "yes Dear!"

DJP said...


Webster Hunt (Parts Man) said...

Didn't God tell that to Abraham concerning Sarah and Hagar?

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Thanks, Dan. I've got it on my calendar. : )

Robert said...


The wording isn't exact in that case as it is with Obama.