Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Simon's cat in "Santa Claws" (hope this isn't prophetic for the Phillips house)


Susan said...

What?? No comments yet? I like that nutty long as he's not mine! :)

DJP said...

Thanks, Susan.


Dave .... said...

"Nutty cat" is redundant! I do not like cats - they're unclean, right? Levitically? Surely the cat would have tempted Eve if the serpant had failed! OY! But funny.

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Thank you for introducing us to Simon's cat. We watched a bunch of these on You Tube as a result, and it provided some much-needed laughter. I love how nearly every episode ends. He does a great job capturing a cat's behavior.

Mike said...

So really, this is one reason why I wanted a dog. :) I honestly don't understand cats. I have minimal experience with them, but it seems like one minute he's looking you in the eye and the next minute he's standing on top of your head with no logical explanation for what just happened.

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