Monday, January 03, 2011

Monday music: the Birdman of Lisbon

It's likely to be a weird year... so let's start it off that way!

(thanks to Jaby Jacob for the tip)


Mark Lussier said...

As I watched this, I began wondering if he prepared for and practice this particular performance, or if it was just extemporaneously presented as the spirit moved him. Talk about eclectic!

Anonymous said...

The boy ain't right....

David Regier said...

A young man on my worship team just got an electric(!) kalimba (the instrument he's playing with his thumbs) for Christmas. Should I be concerned?

Or should I join him on my Hawaiian nose flute for the offertory?

DJP said...

I would say... both.

Merrilee Stevenson said...

My four-year-old DAOD said, "That was not right." She then requested "Something beautiful." I must admit it was rather mesmerizing, though.

DJP said...

Ah well, can't please everyone. Hit the Monday music tag at the bottom of the post, and the selection will give you a number of "beautiful" things for her.


Mike Westfall said...

Weird, yes. But rather talented, I think. I enjoyed it.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Oh. My. Word.

I like the thumb piano. Fun to listen to. But I have to wonder... what's his point?

And David, the Hawaiian nose flute? Where are your videos?

Susan said...

Oh no no no...please don't tell me this is any indication of the kind of year that we are going to have....