All that to say that you Kindlers can now get this $40.00 book for $7.99. That is a terrific price for a first-rate book.
To be clear, I am profiting from all of it. I am learning a lot. I won't teach any of those books without checking Hamilton again. But that's not to say I agree with every word. For instance, I'll be praying for the brother's understanding of Isaiah 7:14.
But it's amazing how much we do agree. I started a letter to Dr. Hamilton marveling at how some things he says about Proverbs queues up with my Master's thesis on the book from '83 — but the letter's still unsent. It's uncanny, though; only he and I (that I've seen) make strong appeals to Deuteronomy 6:4ff. and 17 as critical for understanding Proverbs as principally authored by Solomon.
I digress.
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Got the book for New Year's and making my way through it. The title alone teaches us quite a bit, compared to the evanjellyism most of us have learned.
His book on the Holy Ghost in the OT was outstanding. Really like it.
B&N has it at the same price for the Nook. I just downloaded it! Looking forward to reading it soon.
Thanks for the heads-up!
Now if only you could get a good printed book for 7.99...
Especially books about 6-8 word phrases found in the one whole section of the Bible.
Or even about earth-shifting good news.
Yup, 7.99 would be fine.
(Word verification: exaggiz, as in "Yo homie, I'm down with that exaggiz you wrote on Matthew")
Didn't he write an essay with that title a couple of years ago? I distinctly recall reading that exact thesis statement: God's glory revealed in salvation through judgment. It was a very good tour de force, and a very good and solid read.
From Dan's thesis paper:
"More conservative writers view the Solomonic proverbs as coming from the king of the same name."
Imagine that: the guy to whom they are attributed actually wrote them! So sad that this was (and still is) a revolutionary concept.
Unfortunately, Stefan, the concept is also revolutionary among (too) many conservatives today. In my Proverbs book I take Longman to task at some length, because he's among the many who don't think that "proverbs of Solomon" necessarily means proverbs, you know, of Solomon.
Wait just a minute Dan, I’m confused. Are you suggesting that when I read a book of the bible I am supposed to read it with the intention of understanding what the author of the book meant when he wrote it?!?
How in the world can I possibly get out of a book what I feel that I need if I do that?
Next you’ll be expecting people to believe God had specific intentions in the writing of the books and that could lead to the idea that God actually knows what’s going on and is in charge or something.
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