Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ultimate sermon illustration gif

I'll supply the illustration, you write the sermon.


JackW said...


I love short sermons!

Gary said...

I think the point of this Illustration is that when the machine loses confidence in itself it stops... does this ring a Bell?

Robert said...

"I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13) Conversely, I can do no thing without Him who strenghtens (and even sustains) me.

Anonymous said...

Wait on the bring you an extension cord.

Tom said...

Something tells me that that little guys' name is J.O.N.A.H. You can run, but you won't get very far.


Mark Patton said...

You guys are being to hard on the little guy. He is just trying to demonstrate real faith, you know, the kind you guys lack. So what if his manuel tells him he's got to be plugged in to function. Is that manuel the only source of truth? I think he is just "steppin' out." After all, I once new an electronic device that wasn't plugged in (and the manuel said it had to be) and it moved for a half a second (give or take a half a second) all on its own. So won't you have real faith and unplug? Every eye closed...I see that hand.

Fred Butler said...

*Geek Alert*

There was a classic Bloom County cartoon based on this premise.

Scroll down to July 23, 2004

Scot said...

You don't want to end like him, trying to live life in the flesh. Do it in the power of the Holy Spirit! Don't you know stopping is a sin! Do you know how many people won't come to the Lord now?!

JackW, your sermon beats one I heard recently in a Methodist church on Christmas.

trogdor said...

The Bible says we're supposed to stay plugged in. But I can't stay plugged in and go where I want to go. Therefore it's God's fault for making me without the proper cord.

SDG said...

Texts: Deut 8:18 “But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee POWER TO GET WEALTH…” “But you will receive POWER when the Holy Spirit comes on you…”" (Acts 1:8a)

1. The proportions of giving
2. The extortions of giving
3. The contortions of giving

Conclusion: The anointing of God plugs you into the POWER to break free from the yoke of poverty and soar to new heights of supernatural prosperity. Tap into the POWERSOURCE by bringing your tithes into the storehouse.

Aaron said...

The importance of wireless?

JR said...

A lack of self awareness makes fools of us all.

Kara said...

Just as this machine requires electricity to operate, we cannot operate without God. Electricity permits the machine to "live" and without God we are dead in sin. When we move away from our connection to God, we will inevitably become disconnected from Him and cease to live.

Stefan Ewing said...

Today's lesson is on Genesis 3.

...or Genesis 11...
...or Numbers 14...
...or 1 Kings 14...
...or Jeremiah 36...
...or Daniel 4...

Stefan Ewing said...

(Hmmm...kinda makes you wonder if certain popular pastors have ever read the Old Testament....)

Sonja said...

Made me think of Come Thou Fount.

"O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I’m constrained to be!
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter,
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
Prone to leave the God I love;
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above."

Sigh, I love that hymn.

Steve said...

Oh, this is easy. Let's go pentecostal:

"be filled with the Holy Spirit"

If you stay plugged in to the Holy Ghost, you'll keep running just fine!


All jesting aside, something tells me that machine wasn't functioning as it was designed. Sounds almost like sin...

Stefan Ewing said...


That is one of my favourite hymns, too...and that verse in particular!

Merrilee Stevenson said...

(sigh) I can't improve on anyone's sermons here. I just have to take the last possible application and in my best Carrie Underwood voice do a special music number with accompanying video on the big screen, "Jesus, Take the Wheel."

Coaching Lives For Victorious Living. said...

The scope of Your exploits IS directly dependant and determined by the grace God allows in your life. Each one of us must know and work within the borders and parameters God allows otherwise we go out of his will.