Second: however, Tedd Tripp, Al Mohler, Jerry Bridges, Marvin Olasky, Russell Moore, Doug Wilson, Leland Ryken, Tullian Tchividjian, Michael Horton, Rick Holland, Bruce A. Ware, and Gene Veith, have, and they all love it. So that's got to mean something. Right?
At any rate, you can —
- Read a description HERE
- Read a preview HERE
- Take advantage (if you choose) of their current deal: they are offering the first copy in an order at 50% off (additional copies: 40% off) for one week (sale ends April 5th).
If you get it and read it, get back to us and let us know what you think.
I wonder if I should get it and save it for 12-14 years till the boy is ready for college. Who knows what will be available then?
I'm thinking the same thing as Wendy, except my boys will be ready in about 10 years. I have already sent a copy of the link to the listing to youth pastors at my old church and new church for their consideration...I figured with the endorsements, it must be pretty good.
Who knows what will be available then?
Who knows what the world will be like then?
I didn't see anything about this in the description, but I hope the book addresses the issue of "Christian" colleges that teach bad theology. I think this is a HUGE issue - I've seen too many kids get really off track in their faith because of this, with devastating results. Kids go off to a Christian college thinking it's a "safe" place, spiritually, only to find that professors they trust are teaching them something very different than the orthodox Christianity they've been raised to believe.
Someone needs to start a website with a list of actual Christian colleges that have remained faithful to the Bible. It will probably be a very short list. I've had several conversations this week alone with parents frustrated because they can't find one. Very sad.
I wonder how much of that is because a) the students/parents automatically think "Christian" = Christian, or b) the students have gotten out of the habit of checking everything against the Bible prior to going to college.
I think a college with the atmosphere/rigor of CalTech or MIT with the worldview of, say, The Master's College, would be absolutely wonderful.
"Who knows what will be available then?"
(Doing the math...calculating...)
Maybe "Thriving at Marriage" or "Thriving at Parenting" or "Thriving at the Mid-Life Crisis." It's good to be a few steps ahead of them at all times if possible. So I've heard. My oldest is nine. I'm still on the learning curve.
In all seriousness, Dan's short but sweet post sold me. If all those guys liked the book, (especially the couple of names I recognized), it's bound to be excellent.
Probably a little of both, sadly. In some ways, it's almost better for a kid to go to a secular university, where the student is expecting godless, liberal professors and programs.
I think perhaps Patrick Henry is going for the rigorous academics along with the solid biblical worldview, with a classical liberal arts emphasis. It's selective and is reported to be very academically challenging.
It becomes more challenging if you want to major in the hard sciences (although a solid liberal arts undergrad program ought to adequately prepare a student for grad school).
I became a Christian at a state college. Post-modernism in the English Lit. department drove me to Christ.
Having said that, I missed so many golden opportunities because of immaturity and lack of mentorship. Maybe a book like this will help some of our boys and girls here do better.
As a TMC grad of many years prior, now in a totally secular jr. college environment, I can testify from experience that there's strong pluses and strong minuses to both the secular and the solidly Christian school. Case in point - I was a freshman when TMC had newly decided to completely eliminate their psychology program and switch to Biblical counselling. No Psych classes allowed. Consequently, I'm now taking a Gen Ed Psych class because it's a prerequisite for the program I'm pursuing, and I wasn't able to take it at TMC. Based on what I've experienced in class and read in my textbook, I think TMC squandered an opportunity to teach students toying with an interest in the field to help them build up their biblical discernment muscles. Instead of creating a class or two that teaches kids the history of the field and exposes its anti-God philosophy, as well as its massive and constant flaws as a "science", they simply declared it bad and replaced it with Biblical Counselling 101. That's not teaching kids to think; that's thinking for them.
That's the Achilles heel of a lot of schools. They assume that thinking for their kids is what a lot of Christian parents do (and in many cases they're right on that front), and it's their job to "fix" that. A college student who knows that trick and is grounded in a biblical worldview (because they're actually a believer), is going to do well for the Kingdom in either place. But they'll do the best at a place that has that same conviction - that knowing how to learn and reason is as important as what you learn.
Maybe that's the book that's needed - a book on preparing a child to thrive in college, starting at, oh, birth. :)
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