Monday, April 09, 2012

Monday music: "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and another bonus, by The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

[Honestly, not sure what to tell you about this. I found it in Draft, yet it apparently had been published already once. Whatever. Here it is. Again? Whatever.]

Earlier we enjoyed TUOOGB's stirring rendition of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." Here they are again, this time with Nirvana's nihilistic "Smells Like Teen Spirit."

...and, as last time, here's a surprising little bonus:


SandMan said...

Now I have seen everything. I was 15 when the Nirvana/Seattle Grunge "thing" dropped. To be honest, my friends and I loved it...though I admit it is so much less appealing to me these days. Now some cheeky Brit and his ukulele crew are rocking the jams of my youth. I heard an orchestral rendition of a Metallica tune in an elevator the other day, too. I must be getting old.

Magister Stevenson said...

I never thought I'd say this, but Nervana is actually better than the cover band. Full disclosure: I was a college student in the NW during the grudge years. My friends loved them, but I preferred Manhattan Transfer.

Susan said...

Wow. It took the Ukulele Orchestra to make me realize how funny the Nirvana lyrics are! The song in its original form sounded "cool", but then again I never bothered to listen to what Kurt Cobain was actually singing. That guy was totally wasted....

P.D. Nelson said...

While that was quite entertaining I still think "Weird Al" got the true spirit of Nirvana with his parody.