Composed and submitted by Rick Gomez, who comments as Burrito34.
I am what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical,
That tells you where I take a stand on matters theological,
I can exegete from Scripture doctrines that are biblical,
And show that there are seven ages that are dispensational;
I'll demonstrate that Luther's views were altogether Scriptural,
And then demolish arguments that clearly are heretical,
Including those of long ago that were set forth by Arius,
Found today in modern cults that simply are nefarious.
Found today in modern cults that simply are nefarious,
Found today in modern cults that simply are nefarious,
Found today in modern cults that simply are nefari-arious.

I can speak with great detail upon the subject of the Trinity,
And then describe succint-a-ly Christ's hypostatic unity
In short, you now can see on every topic theological
I am what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical
In short, you now can see on every topic theological
He is what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical
I know of Christian stalwarts like the Bishop Athanasius
Of John's two close disciples Polycarp and Saint Ignatius
Conversant with the arguments of Calvin and Arminius,
The fierce debate that raged between Augustine and Pelagius;
I've read from the Panarion composed by Epiphanius,
And works of history that were recorded by Eusebius,
I can tell you of an odd duck who went by the name of Origen,
If you need me to repeat this I'd be happy to begin again
If you need him to repeat this he'd be happy to begin again,
If you need him to repeat this he'd be happy to begin again,
If you need him to repeat this he'd be happy to begin,begin again,
Of books I'd like to own the number is very prodigi-ous
My personal library would fill up a double decker bus,
In short, now you can see on every topic theological
I am what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical
In short, you now can see on every topic theological
He is what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical
And now for the main reasons that I've dived into Theology,
For one thing, to articulate a biblical Christology,
To better share the Gospel with a sinful lost humanity,
To see people accept Christ is what really matters most to me;
And help believers progress toward spiritual maturity,
If God wills I'll be doing this until I hit senility,
And to contend for the true faith as we were thus advised by Jude,
In a loving manner that is never spiteful, mean or rude.
In a loving manner that is never spiteful, mean or rude,
In a loving manner that is never spiteful, mean or rude,
In a loving manner that is never, ever, spiteful, mean or rude,
For the wisdom God has given me I have the utmost gratitude,
and since it was bestowed on me I take a humble attitude,
And so, now you can see on every subject theological,
I am what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical.
And so, now you can see on every subject theological,
He is what you'd call a Calviedispiebaptogelical.
Now how in the world are the worship leaders going to get all that up on the screen?
It would be much better if you posted a recording of you (and your family) singing it!
Very nice.
But being unfamiliar with such a brilliant piece of music, I had to Google my way to YouTube for a look see; and then, because the lyrics are somewhat hard to get, I dove over to Wikipedia which has a fun article on it.
So, then, going back to the CDBG version: I'd give it two thumbs up, and I'd love a video of it, but it seems you need quite the chorus behind the CDBG to give the end lines the punch they deserve.
Further complicating this hope is that most/all CDBG churches probably won't use this song as the centerpiece of their 2013 Easter Drama... (long thoughtful pause here)
perhaps a flash mob at the local mall during the Halloween season.
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