Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Who does the Pope follow?

Ever wonder?

I'm here to help.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Well...when you're infallible, why read anyone else when you can read yourself in every conceivable language there is?

JG said...

Haha, wow.

Webster Hunt (Parts Man) said...

I say we start calling Pope Francis "7 of 9". They are the Pope. You will be assimilated... etc. etc. EXTERMINATE!

Kerry James Allen said...

Kevin DeYoung follows the pope? Who knew?

And Saint Justin Bieber blows the pope away with 36 million followers, so there.

Carl C. said...

Here's a theory: he follows his official translators to make sure they don't smear his holey-ness' lofty Tweets by clumsy translations. And when they do, quick, severe penitence would be threatened for them to get it right or else... 'Papal bulls, indulgences and excommunications" (sing along!)

Of course if he actually speaks all those languages and does all those tweets as well, my theory's out the window and I'll stick with Kevin Rhyne's thought.