My dear wife and I spent the weekend belatedly celebrating our anniversary. Woo hoo!

Friday night we sent to the fabled Squeeze Inn for the first time. We had trouble with directions on the iPhone, so only got there in time to order to-go. Ah, but it was very delicious.
As I shared a couple of H&T's ago, the Squeeze Inn is being threatened by fascist government rules. At present, they are having to give up their signature location unwillingly and relocate.
Think of that. National recession; statewide recession. And here's a successful business being harassed, their productivity harmed, by oppressive regulation and legislation. Multiply this by a factor of 1000 or so and you understand why this bountifully-blessed state is in the trouble it is.
Then we saw the latest Harry Potter movie at the local IMAX theater. It was the missus' first time in an IMAX, and she was impressed. The first ten

We also wished they'd turned on their air conditioning. We sweated through the 2.5+ hours of the movie in a full theater with, apparently, no air conditioning.
I complained to the young man in the box, and he gave me an explanation I couldn't understand. It sounded as if he was saying they hadn't anticipated so many people (?? - on an opening night for a new movie?). I said, "You have done this before, right? Shown movies with people in the theater? How come theaters that charge half as much for the tickets are able to cool their audiences?"
The next day I emailed a complaint, and the manager nicely is sending a couple of tickets. The A/C timer was off due to varying schedules and audience flow.
Saturday we eventually took off for Lake Tahoe. We took a slightly roundabout route to miss the miserable traffic on US50 from Placerville to Tahoe. It was pretty except for a lot of smoke from fires.
At Tahoe was saw Chicago in concert with Earth, Wind and Fire. Our motel was close enough that we could walk to the amphitheater. I'd seen a DVD from an earlier tour, and it was a great show.

As it had rained/poured/hailed off and on, we were concerned, and took rain gear just in case.
We had poor seats in spite of my grabbing a pair even before they were supposed to be released, but the show was excellent. Both bands played a few songs together, then Chicago left the stage to Earth, Wind and Fire. They put on a very good show. Lead singer Philip Bailey is still in strong voice, with an amazing range all the way from very low to very high. I recall he made some profession of faith in Christ decades ago, and did a Christian album. His web page bio doesn't mention Jesus, Christ or church, and "gospel" is a music style.
But click on Phil's Favorites and you see a study in conflicting messages. On the one hand, he links to Alistair Begg, which is excellent, and the movie Fireproof.
By contrast, what is at the top of the list? A link to Obama.
Then Chicago took the stage and rocked the house. Everyone leapt to their feet again and again without having to be told (as EWF had to do). Terrific musicianship, and an amazing ability to play songs for the 4500th time with freshness and fire. Their newest member is guitarist Keith Howland, who also did some singing. In my opinion, he's the best to fill that slot since the amazing Terry Kath's sad and stupid death. The story of how Howland got the gig makes for some fun reading.
The lovely Mrs. Phillips was on her feet and moving to the music right along with your correspondent. When EWF joined Chicago, it only got better, and ended with roars and cheers and smiles all around.
Very little rain, but one briefly worrisome lightning bolt.
After a nice night in our comfortable (but grossly-overpriced!) room, we headed up the lake to the next night's lodging. Had fun strolling through a couple of arts and crafts fairs, picking up some delicious almonds, some water beads, and a ring with Deuteronomy 6:4 imprinted in Hebrew.
Lunch at a restaurant called Dos Coyotes — which, to my disappointment, did not actually serve coyote — then we found that a rockslide had taken out the route ahead of us. We turned around,

Nice dinner, lovely night, sweet drive home, and here we are.
I'm mainly relaying events, but what filled it all was being able to spend time together, reminiscing, enjoying each other, having some time to ourselves away from it all. Laughing, tearing up, shaking our heads. We missed our children and talked about them a lot, but it is important for them that Mom and Dad spend time together, building and sweetening their own relationship.
I had problems with my iPhone map also in getting directions to Newport Beach, RI from New Bedford. It gave the wrong exit numbers. The map feature is pretty good because at least I could tell I whether I was going in the right or wrong direction.
Also, a complain I have is that the map global tracking feature used a lot of battery. I brought my AC adapter from home with me but not my car charger. I had to use the map feature sparingly.
As one who has been married for only two years, may I please just say: Awwwwww. I think that spending time with our spouses is one of the most incredible blessings the Lord has given to us. May he bless you with many more years together!
Happy anniversary to you both! (How many years?)Sounds like a lovely celebration.
Sounds like a fun time :0)
Happy anniversary to you both,
PS... and what's the status/progress with your book?
As one who will be married for 21 year next month, may I echo Carrie (with fewer 'w's)... awwww.
Husbands love your wives...
al sends
Aparece que todavia Rita Martinez no ha visto a mi Español.
Nice Spanglish, by the way.
iPhone will only be as good as google maps or whatever service you are using
Happy anniversary, Dan and the missus. May God continue to bless your togetherness!
Just a little further over the hill and you could have come to visit my fair city. Wanna come plant a church? Gracious, but we need you.
Dan: Aparece que todavia Rita Martinez no ha visto a mi Español.
No comprendo, Dan. What's Dr. Rita got to do with all this?
(Oh wait. Does it have something to do with the title? That you're glad she didn't see it or something?)
Anyway, Carrie and Al are right:
Feliĉa datreveno!
Oh and that isn't Spanglish.
I still miss Peter Cetera in Chicago, Dan. Can't help it. And I haven't heard the new guitarist, so can't judge. I didn't think Donnie Dacus did a bad job, but apparently he didn't gel with the rest of the guys very much.
As for Philip Bailey, I've often wondered if he ever witnessed to Phil Collins when they did "Easy Lover" together. Chester Thompson, who is touring co-drummer with Genesis, is a believer from what I understand.
All that to say, you hope that some of Obama's Christian supporters will wake up soon with a good case of buyer's remorse.
Happy Birthday?
Happy Birthday?
No. "Happy Anniversary!"
And since this isn't Frank's blog, let me just say, "Festum diem anniversarium!"
Happy Anniversary, Mr & Mrs Phillips!
(studiously avoiding any non-English language!)
pip pip! Congretulations, m'dear!
Sounds like a lovely trip.
My husband and I will be married 33years next month. The time has passed so quickly and he is still my very best friend.
That's sweet. Congratulations to you two, too.
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