Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mormons - you know, those people who say God maybe sinned?

I have a couple of items on Mormonism slated for tomorrow's HT. But this item's a bit time-sensitive, so it goes up today.

You recall our guest-poster Aaron Shofovaloff? He's doing a conference in Salt Lake City, Utah tomorrow in a conference called Compassionate Boldness. Aaron will speak on the Mormon notion that God the Father sinned (see his page on the subject).

Please add to your family's prayers.


Rachael Starke said...

What a well done, but heartcrushing video.

I remember Aaron's guest post well, and check in at his blog periodically. God has always given me a particular love for Mormons, but they are few and far between in the Bay Area, even the missionaries. I hope the talks might be available online - I'd really love to hear them. I'll be praying God bears much fruit. What timing...

Aaron said...

I also want to see the videos, if they are made available. I'm constantly challenged by Mormons using the same vocabulary as Christians and then intentionally obfuscting their real beliefs (or so it seems to me) so as to seem Christian. So when you talk to a Mormon they'll say the believe the same things.

Robert said...


Not only do they say they believe the same things, but it is heartbreaking when you take the time to go through portiona of Scripture and explain how their beliefs conflict with Scripture and they just can't see it. So sad.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Uncanny timing. I was just thinking of Aaron's earlier guest post and going to search for it!

That video is heartbreaking - what muddled thinking.

Thanks for the heads-up,


100 Mile Pants said...

I believe the excellent Rob Bowman (co-author of "Putting Jesus in His Place", a must read on the deity of Christ) is also preaching at that conference.

DJP said...

"Author" blah blah blah...

...AND member of the exclusive "I Stayed with the Forsyths" Club!

100 Mile Pants said...

An exclusive and privileged club :)