Saturday, December 29, 2007

Merry Tossmas (little late, sorry)

I like it.


Unknown said...

That just kind of says it all, doesn't it?

philness said...

And a Merry Political Correctness Day to you too is what I tell people when I hear the words Happy Holidays.

Strong Tower said...

Not very green of those advertisers, eh.

This guy is a man, a real man, after my own heart.

Fill those landfills. I get at least five pounds of junk avertisements in the mail a day. It triples at Tossmas. I honor it all year and toss every day. If I could only find a cheap way to burn that stuff, energy independence would be myan. I don't give a hoot, I say let's pollute, why should the landfills get all the burnables?! Burn them, burn them all!

I think one of the ones that I tossed was an L.L.Bean have a Happy Kwaanza sale or was it that I flashed back the J.Jill Ramadan Special, or was that Title Nine.....

A lot of problems could be avoided if the mail-order mag people would just include a Religious Preference survey when solicitations are made to known customers or to names on shared lists.

To satisfy everyone, the malls could do likewise, simply by designating entrances to accommodate different hemispheric traditions. And the various stores could decorate by lottery. You know like J.C.Penny's could be Western, Eurocentric Christmas, Kohl's could be African Animist, and Sears could be Islamic, with perhaps the commons area void of any hint of religion to represent a truly panatheistic pluralism....