Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bruce Lee can beat you with....

All the YouTube commenters say this is fake. I (A) don't know how they know that, and (B) don't care too much (i.e. like I'm going to go out and try this?); because (C) it's fun!

If it's true, imagine how the opponents feel. "Dude... we just got smacked by a guy with nun-chuks."

Now, this does broach an interesting subject. Whether or not that vid is real and as-presented, it sure looks as if it is. If it's fake, it's an awesome fake.

That's interesting, isn't it? The Bible's view of truth is a correspondence view; that is, statements in the Bible are true because they correspond to reality. They aren't true because they work, because they make us feel good, because they feel real. Some Biblical propositions don't "work" as we'd wish them to on our timeline; some make us feel really bad; and some call us to believe things that don't feel real in the least.

But we believe them and do them because they correspond to reality. God's word condemned me as a sinner, and I was, when I didn't feel my sin in the least. And God's word declares me as righteous as Jesus Christ Himself, with that alien, imputed righteousness, when I feel nothing but guilt and reproach and regret and shame. I should have believed the first before I did, I must believe the second even (and especially!) when it's hard, because they correspond to reality.

"Seeing is believing," folks have said for decades or longer. But with video editing as skilled and seamless as it is today, isn't that proposition pretty bankrupt? One has to have a grounded conviction that goes beyond even mere sensory experience.

Only Biblically-faithful Christians have that.


Chris H said...

I believe that this video could be true of Bruce Lee; that guy was a freak. His physical abilities were off the scale. Faster than video cameras, 1% body fat, amazing physical specimen.

Sam said...

"God's word condemned me as a sinner, and I was, when I didn't feel my sin in the least. And God's word declares me as righteous as Jesus Christ Himself, with that alien, imputed righteousness, when I feel nothing but guilt and reproach and regret and shame."

Amen and amen, Mr. Phillips. Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family!

Rachael Starke said...

Every instance in my Christian life when I have acted on emotion, rather than God's objective truth, has been a disaster.

Every instance where I have fought for faith and trust in God's words over my emotions has produced overwhelming blessing and joy.

Praise God for the disasters and the blessings, which God works together to cause me to continually fight victoriously for faith in His truth, rather than my feelings.

Speaking of the power of truth, we'll be having some new friends from (my) Phil's church history class over for Thanksgiving, one of whom was suddenly and quietly converted in the middle of class two weeks ago as they discussed the dangerous implications of Kenosis theory and the glorious truth of Jesus being fully man and fully God. She told us she had to fight to literally not fall out of her chair, as she was so overwhelmed at what that truth meant for her.

Brand new life in Christ, born out of the discovery of the glorious truth that Jesus was fully God, as well as fully man.

Now that's something to be thankful for!

As is this blog, and its motley crew of digital brethren and sistren in Christ. God bless you guys. There isn't enough time to tell of the number of times I've had opportunities to share or apply something I've learned here (or at Pyro but, ahem, more often here. Don't tell Phil and Frank, 'k? :) ).

DJP said...

Thanks Rachael. And the tale of that lady's conversion is just about the neatest, most thrilling thing I've read in a good while. Praise God.

Anonymous said...

Cool. But could he play with chopsticks?

DJP said...

Bruce Lee don't "play."

Mike Westfall said...

Amazing cell phone, that Nokia N96!.

Not only does it take videos with its built-in camera, but it can even take videos of people who've been dead for 35 years!

Now, how do we examine whether or not Obama really made any campaign promises? Should we believe what we see on the news?

Anonymous said...

But could he DOMINATE with chopsticks?

Susan said...

I've seen enough Bruce Lee's images to know for CERTAIN that that guy in the video is definitely NOT Bruce Lee (there was a moment where the camera stayed a second longer on his face, and I knew in an instant that it isn't him). And I just happen to know how to read traditional Chinese characters. At the end of the short film, it says (in effect) that this film is dedicated to Bruce Lee. Then another line pops up to introduce the new Nokia phone. It's an ad, people! (I'm sure you probably figured that out.)