"How pathetic is that?" you ask. With fifty gazillion other blogs wide-open to the barkingest, droolingest trolls in Christendom, I can't argue with you.
It is an act of cyber-rape to violate a ban. It is using force to barge into a place where you're not welcome, simply because you can. It is using sheer power for sheer self-gratification.
Now, Blogger doesn't give much else to do beyond deleting posts. Calls for some creativity. So here's what I'm going to do.
They'll still be deleted. I may or may not leave the stub of their deleted post.
But I will "tell" you what they said, at my discretion.
OK? So, there y'go.
PS —
- Note well: I do not guarantee that my version of their comment will be faithful, accurate, or in any way related to what they actually wrote.
- If you violate your ban, you are authorizing this treatment of your comments!

I've no idea if it will "work" but it is a very amusing idea!
Isn't it possible to ban them by IP? I've seen other message boards such as IMDb do that.
I think Word Press (or whatever that is) and Haloscan can. Blogger doesn't.
Even if you could ban them by IP it will be much more fun to do what DJP is planning - and much more entertaining for us readers.
...and this is, as always, my primary concern.
Dan, I can certainly understand your frustration here and I appreciate and welcome your efforts to keep the discourse here helpful and worthwhile, but I (very much lovingly!!!) gots ta ask: how well does this policy comport with Biblical demands for truthfulness? Would you not be bearing false witness by doing this?
Curious to hear your thoughts.
It was towards that end that I put up this post.
A. Everyone who's been banned knows he is not to comment anymore. He has no right to post comments here. Ever. About anything.
B. I am now announcing that any banned comments made by a banned person also do not enjoy the "right" to accurate representation.
So, if you envision a person complaining, "Hey! When I comment on this blog THAT I KNOW I'M NEVER SUPPOSED TO COMMENT ON, my comments are misrepresented!"....
I just have to say, "Oh well."
Besides, truth is often conveyed through falsehood. Novels, for example are ipso facto false yet in many cases convey greater truth than many statements of fact. Likewise I suspect Dan's version of the banned commentators' comments will convey more truth (even, as if, in a mirror) than the original comments themselves.
Of course, they keep coming back because those banned now have a place for "ministry." Like Luther hitting up the Papists.
al sends
You have to admit, though, that there can be such a feeling -- if not surge -- of exultation and power when you see the words, "this post has been removed by a blog administrator."
I wish this function had audio with it. Sort of like the snap, crackle and pop of an electric chair.
Good plan. Or, better still, move to Wordpress.
Banned troll OSO dropped by to acknowledge that he read this post and understood it perfectly. So he knows exactly what to expect if and when he is arrogant, self-absorbed and rude enough to keep barging in where he's been asked to leave, and to persist in inflicting his unwelcome presence and abusive, willful ignorance on an otherwise-helpless audience who choose not simply to be his victims.
There's some irony in lecturing me about what is in the Bible — which is a very large book — while violating the blog's posted rules — which are relatively very short.
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