(Rated V for Very Eclectic)
Long before he did the musical intro for The Simpsons, and the
music scores for movies such as

Batman, Mars Attacks!, Men in Black, and Spider Man,
Danny Elfman had been recording with a band called
Oingo Boingo. I remember seeing them in the seventies on public TV, when their name was The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, they wore strange costumes, it was more performance art than music, and Elfman was... scary-looking.
But here you can see Oingo Boingo performing two of my favorites live. Their performance is so tight and disciplined I thought it might be synched — but it's not. Enjoy (
—if it's within your style-range).
One more? Why not. Here's my other Boingo favorite:
Hunh; looks like
Eugene Levy on bass. But I don't think so.

If you want, you can find vintage
Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo on Youtube... but it's too weird even to go here under Eclectic.
Both VERY good - I'm a big fan of Oingo Boingo - my favorite - Dead Man's Party :-)
That figures! (c;
There's a DMP live vid up there as well - and some weird OLD ones of the same.
Ah, Dan.
You can be forgiven for this. After all, You're Only a Lad.
Oingo Boingo will always be a reminder of a major turning point in my life - it was 1987, I was attending college in my home state of Kansas, and bands like OB and Modern English and Depeche Mode were not on the airwaves there. Then I met my husband-to-be, a southern California boy, who listened to this freaky funky music, something about a Dead Man's Party, and I was swept off my feet. :) I'll be sharing the videos with him when he gets home from work tonight, Dan! Thanks, this was fun!
Glad to hear it's fun memories for you.
I like the first two because they're high-energy, complex, compelling beat. That's why I like Chicago (when they rock), and fusion jazz.
Man I loved OB back in the day. I was at their next-to-last-ever concert at SDSU in late October of 95. Their last concert was up in the Irvine area on Halloween, IIRC.
Their last album totally went into Batman phase (which I loved... dark, several minutes long progressive rock) but seemed to also serve as Elfman's parting shot on what he thought of Christianity.
Oh dear. I'm sure that was very... endarkening.
Heh, endarkening. It was disappointing if nothing else.
Have to say that still is the best concert I've ever been to. They really knew how to put on a show.
Oingo Boingo?
Wow, Dan. I thought you to be bit *cough* older when they were popular as a music group. And I pegged you more of a classical guy. I learn new things everyday.
At least you have some decent taste in music.
Ageism. Very disappointing.
My musical tastes are, like me, rather eclectic. I've enjoyed music from Chicago (duh-probably my favorite because their music, at its best, has been eclectic), the Beatles, Joni Mitchell, George Benson, Sons of the Pioneers, Sweet Comfort Band, Heart, Earth Wind and Fire, Second Chapter of Acts, the Doobie Brothers, Phil Keaggy, Parable, Styx, Kansas, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Handel's Messiah (various artists), Weird Al Yankovic, the Who, Stevie Wonder, Steely Dan, Level 42, Bing Crosby, Amy Grant, Kool & the Gang, Chaka Khan, and the Allman Brothers.
Eclectic, eh?
I'm sure I'm forgetting some, too.
There is some broad overlap in our eclectic tastes in music, but when groups like Oingo Boingo were hot, I was a geeky teenager listening to classical music when everyone else was into New Wave.
The I discovered classic rock and funk, then country, and last of all, the hymns of the Church.
For "New Wave," read "80s pop."
Can't even get my genres right.
Oh! and Brian Setzer.
1. Wow, Dan, you sound like a KROQ fan! (Didn't know Oingo sang "Weird Science"--did I hear that song right?)
2. Haven't thought about Level 42 in years! I remember the first song I heard from them was "Something About You". Those were the days when I would spend my summer nights watching VH-1 music videos. Talk about crazy--I wouldn't sleep until 1 or 2 AM sometimes!
3. And who doesn't like Weird Al?? Even those whom he's mocked like him. After all, who else can turn a song like "Rico Suave" into this??
(And just in case anyone out there has never heard of "Rico Suave"--here it is.
See what I mean?)
Susan, OB indeed sang "Weird Science". They also had a cameo in the movie "Back to School" starring Rodney Dangerfield. They were featured playing "Dead Man's Party" ...at a campus party. Coincidentally, the wiki page for the movie lists Danny Elfman with the music credits.
In other news, Level 42 is awesome.
I forgot to mention bluegrass. I'm big on bluegrass.
I feel so left out...you guys were listening to the groups I was studiously ignoring.
Ha, crazy. I've always known of Oingo Boingo/Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, and I've always totally respected Danny Elfman's as a composer, but I had no idea he was in that band.
And it's not that I dislike Oingo Boingo, but I should say that the likes of "Dead Man's Party" is a far cry from Tim Burton scores!
The Mystic Knights played my high school.
My wifes best friend from high school was Dannys PA for quite a while and when I was unemployed she got me some roadie work for them.
Only a Lad and Capitalism are my favorites.
BTW This was certainly not a post I expected to see here. Lol!
Thanks, Michael. I don't know Oingo's works that well. One of my friends got me listening to alternative music when I started college because she was a fan of KROQ (alt. music radio station based in the LA area, in case anyone out there isn't familiar with it). I liked some of Erasure's works back then.
And Stefan, looks like my musical journey is kind of opposite from yours--I wasn't familiar with classical music until after my pop/alt. phase. But, yes, hymns of the church came later for me as well.
And with that I will now endeavor to do perform some spiritual duties....
My favorite Boingo tune is "Goodbye Goodbye" but the version from "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" not the original album version. Also, for whatever it is worth, when I had my first radio talk show, a portion of one of Danny Elfman's film scores was my theme music.
Dan, you think YOUR musical tastes are eclectic? I got addicted to music at a very, very early age and have found something to like in just about every genre imaginable (except death metal and gangsta rap as well as variants thereof). For whatever it is worth, my top 25 list of favorite artists as well as artists I listen to are available on my personal website and can be viewed at:
Check out my lists and let me know your opinions on my choices. I too have eclectic tastes in music and really enjoy it when I find something new to enjoy in the world of music.
Oh, another "for whatever it's worth" comment:
One of the musical genres I particularly enjoy that many get tired of quicky is Christmas music. I love it. I can't help it. I've been collecting Christmas CD's for many years now and have almost 700 of 'em in my collection covering just about every style imaginable. Back in 1996 I convinced the program director of the talk radio station I worked for to allow me to do a Christmas Eve show. He gave me 6 hours and allowed me to go longer if I felt like it. I pulled 8 and didn't repeat the same song twice with my collection at that time (only about 200 CDs). The show was a HUGE hit and it was determined by the PD that I would do it all again the next Christmas and hopefully make it an annual affair. Unfortunately only a few months later, the station was sold to "The Borg" (not-so-affection nickname in the biz of Clearchannel), the PD let go and format changed to all satellite sports. I was reduced to a mere board op and the chance of the Christmas show died. I've tried to get one of the regional stations to allow me to do it even going as far as putting together publicity packs but so far no one has expressed any interest.
Most stations, even the all-Christmas ones (during December), play the same small playlist over-and-over again. People are surprised at the huge number of great Christmas music out there that doesn't get aired. I've been making custom CD's of Christmas music in my collection for friends and family for years now and thus far they have all been extremely pleased with the selections.
Pardon my ramblings. Music happens to be one of the few passions I have in my life.
I will always and forever more be a Genesis fan. Of both Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins eras.
Anyone remember A'ha or Heaven 17? Or Little River Band's tight harmonies?
I do remember Aha, "Take On Me." Cool video.
As to LRB — I have simpler and faster ways to get depressed.
Dan have you seen the "literal videos" of Take Me On or this one?
Or Take On Me... shesh.
al sends
I can't get video at work, Linktroll... er, I mean, Al. So I'll have to check from home.
"linktroll" man, that hurts... Here I am contributing to the community that is Dan Phillips' blog and get static. Next thing I know my comments will be rewritten to make me look like I can't spel.
(that aside I think you will really like the vid. Maybe the folks that have clicked on my link can fill you in. All both of them.)
al sends
Genesis was cool...I didn't know what to make of that Jesus He Knows Me, though...very TBN-ish. That's the whole point, I guess. (And as I was rewatching the video just now, I realized that there's no such thing as Genesis 3:25!!).
Aha was cool, too! That video was out of this world. I remember one of my friends really liked the band and we would make fun of the lead singer Morton. I didn't think much of their James Bond song, however (don't even remember it how it sounds--that's how memorable it was for me).
Wow, Al--that link sent me head over heels LOL. :) Too awesome.
Okay, here's Aha's "Take On Me" (literal version). Watch till the end of the clip and you'll get a small bonus....
As long as we're doing "literal" versions, here's a must-see.
Al and Susan, those are hysterical.
MM, yours too - but it needs a "Language" warning.
OK, now that I can see the videos you posted (couldn't see them where I was this afternoon either)... Here is my favorite Oingo song Grey Matter of course I was a bit of a "on one understands me kick" in the early 80's.
al sends
While I didn't use actual English syntax in that last comment, I hope you all get what I was trying to say...
al sends
Sorry about the bad langauge. I guess I should watched the whole thing, something I don;t normally do when I get Rick rolled.
As far as Boingo goes, I like The Forbidden Zone.
Oh, yeah!
A truly classic Oingo Boingo performance on The Gong Show!
1. Wow--the Gong Show. Another childhood memory. This is great!!! MM, you have successfully transported us (seamlessly, I might add) from the 80's to the 70's!!!
2. Not only did Oingo not get gongged--they won the grand prize of $516.32!! Now that's some talent! (I used to feel bad whenever I see people get gongged 5 seconds into their acts....)
3. In the words of Bob Hope, "Thanks for the memories!" :)
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