Thursday, February 26, 2009

"The Shining" — It's all in how you look at it

Just a fun, wholesome heart-warmer!



Kay said...

I think my favourite one of these is the horror-styled trailer for Mary Poppins.

DJP said...

You know, your new picture goes with everything. Just love it!

I think I remember that; maybe I'll queue it up for an "eventually."

Anonymous said...

So....Jack Nicolson CAN play a nice, fatherly type figure when he wants too....NOT!!!!

Lol, great post Dan.

Fred Butler said...

Heeeeereee's Johnny!

Anonymous said...

I've been in the midst of a discussion with someone about the pop-gospel, the warm/fuzzy overlay of the hiss underneath (for those who have ears to hear)...this illustrates that PERFECTLY. Especially when you put it in contrast with this trailer.

Solameanie said...

Actually, if you want a real object lesson to stick with you, try this one on for size. You'll never hear "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" the same way again.

DJP said...

Oh yeah. The original is a very creepy, well-done movie.

Giraffe Pen said...

'The Shining' book is MUCH better than the movie. No wonder Stephen King was disappointed with Kuubric's interpretation of it. In the book, Jack Torrence is a pitiable man because you can see how hard the battle is for him to fight evil. There are lots of Christian themes in the original story.

Giraffe Pen said...

What a stupid clip this one is!!! I wish Stephen King would publicly burn it!! :)