My wife suffered a "minor" stroke on 04/30 or 05/01. It wasn't obvious at first, because the only symptom was stuttering (no slurred speech or paralysis). I took her to the ER on 05/02, and she was immediately taken to have a CT scan.Melissa is only 45, and their two living girls are 11 and 9; their third daughter passed away 15 years ago last Monday through post-surgery complications.
The scan showed a spot on the brain. Multiple subsequent scans failed to detect anything other than a small pool of blood.
After a couple of days in Intensive Care, and a couple of days in a regular room, she was discharged and transferred to a local Rehabilitation clinic to start therapy. It went well for a couple of days, and then took a very bad turn. Her condition deteriorated overnight, and we were taken back to the hospital for another scan.
The size of the bleed had increased by about 15 percent (meaning that she had suffered a second stroke), and the area now showed swelling. She was immediately readmitted to Neurology Intensive Care.
After 3 more days of different kinds of scans, a neurosurgeon diagnosed a tumor on 05/11. She had surgery on 05/13, and it was successful (the surgeon was able to remove the entire mass cleanly).
Unfortunately, we now know that it was malignant, but we don't know much else. Even though this is a very large hospital with a lot of expertise dealing with cancer, the type of cancer she had isn't familiar to them. They have forwarded information and tissue samples to Mayo Clinic for further analysis.
For now, she is recovering well. But -- we won't know what lies ahead as far as treatment until the official report comes back. We have no idea how long that will take at this point. On top of whatever cancer treatment she will need, she has a long road of physical and speech therapy ahead of her.
As of today (05/20), she is back at the Rehabilitation Center, her pain is now well controlled and diminishing, and she is looking forward to resuming therapy tomorrow. She has only a small amount of muscle control on her right side, and very little strength. Doctors and therapists still believe that she has a good chance of recovering fully given enough time, which is very encouraging. We don't expect to know about the exact nature of the tumor for at least a week.
Let's join in praying for Melissa, and for the Elliott family.
UPDATE: there is a way you can keep tabs on Melissa's progress, and pass messages of encouragement to her. Make a free account at CarePages. Melissa's nickname is "Germ_Lady," because she teaches microbiology.
Dear Father, in you we live and move and have our being. May your name be praised forever.
Remember our sister Melissa as she has been troubled by illness and surgery. Heal her for your glory and we will praise you.
May your unshakable love comfort the Elliott family. While they do not know what the future holds regarding Melissa's health, out of your mercy be their strength and confidence. May your mighty works be displayed in Melissa and the entire Elliott family. May your people gather around them and help carry this burden for your name's sake.
In all of this, may your name be glorified, our great God and redeemer.
Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise. (Jer 17:14 ESV)
Be gracious to me, O LORD, for I am languishing; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O LORD--how long? Turn, O LORD, deliver my life; save me for the sake of your steadfast love. (Psa 6:2-4 ESV)
Wow, Stan. Thank you. I will read this to Melissa sometime tomorrow. It will be such a blessing and encouragement to her.
David & Melissa,
Know that we will be praying for you and also for your daughters as you face this trial. May God's Grace and Mercy flow around you and sustain you all.
We also give thanks to God that he has provided and equipped skilled doctors, nurses, and technicians to provide the care that Melissa needs.
I'll be praying for your whole family, David. I'm sorry you're all facing this trial, but God is faithful.
I'm praying...
Precious Heavenly Father,
You know the pain, the fears, the struggles, the concern, the worries of Melissa Elliott and her family. You know the deep desires of her heart, of David's heart, and of their two daughter's heart to be fully healed of this cancer. Thank you Father that the neuorosurgeon has removed the entire mass cleanly. Thank you Lord for the hope given by the doctors and therapists for a full recovery.
I pray for Melissa's fortitude, patience, and perseverance through rehabilitative therapy. And for the whole family during this time. I pray that through this trial and testing the Elliott family will bind themselves closer to You as only You can provide the strength and comfort that they need. And that whatever happens, as and because they trust in You, that You would be glorified by their enduring faithfulness.
In Jesus Holy Name,
P.S. David, I remember your nom de plume from being a fellow commenter on the Old Truth blogsite.
FWIW, I'm a long-term care specialist and so I understand your situation with Melissa and your daughters.
Praying, too ~♥~ {{{LOVE}}}
David and Melissa,
Praying now for strength, endurance, courage, comfort, and healing.
And if you were closer, you'd get a Turkey Pot Pie.
from a "three-boy-mom",
I'm another 3-girl mom praying for all of you.
Sunday, our pastor preached from Romans 16 on characteristics of a Christ-focussed church. He noted that Paul had never met many of the people he commended and greeted, and that there is a real sense in which our union in Christ gives us union and fellowship with every believer around the world.
So, you aren't just a name on Dan's blog. You're family. So we love you, and ask God to bless and strengthen you. Let us know how we can help.
I sent you an e-mail.
Praying here as well...
A three-boy mom and four-boy gramma
I'm praying for you and your wife and girls.
Thank you, Dan, and thank you, readers, for the prayers and support. I just finished reading the post and all the comments to Melissa, and she was very encouraged!
I'll keep her and her family in my prayers, thanks for letting us know Mr. Phillips.
My prays are with you all.
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