Monday, September 07, 2009

You can do that with bike horns?

Maybe if you're French.

(Thanks to reader Pam Siegfried for the tip; neither of us loves the title over at YouTube, so don't bother)


NoLongerBlind said...

Ed Sullivan-like entertainment!

Where is everybody?

Laboring to enjoy the Holiday, I presume....

DJP said...

My very question.

Are you and I the only ones who own and use home computers?

SandMan said...

Oh, the French! Napolean Bonaparte would be proud.

I am hard at work on the BBQ grill today, but took a couple of minutes to check out your blog. My wife and I got a chuckle out of it. Thanks.

NoLongerBlind said...

Well, the answer is pretty obvious.

Not wanting to be overly legalistic, it's clearly a case of misplaced priorities.

P.D. Nelson said...

What? Dan your telling me you've never heard of a French horn?

Thank you folks I'll be here all week try the veal.

DJP said...


Susan said...

I'm home!! Watching (kind of) the U.S. Open. :)

From classical to nursery I've heard everything!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Holiday? What is this "holiday" you speak of? The life of a nurse....

I don't know why, but for some reason this clip brought back to mind this clip from a few years back, don't know if you've perhaps already seen it? Awesome juggling.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the guy that played Louis in "Revenge of the Nerds"? Kind of seems like something a nerd would do too. Vive la nerdes!

Aaron said...

I dont see the video from my iPhone and I'm too tired to go to the computer. Now for a relaxing week of work.

Rileysowner said...

I laughed, I cried (not really), it was excellent.