Monday, November 02, 2009

Desiring God audiobook free this month

Go to Justin's to read more about it. (He needs the hits.)

You know I'll be downloading and listening.

I just want to know how they'll do all the footnotes....


CR said...

DJP: Go to Justin's to read more about it. (He needs the hits.)

Aw, that's cold, bro. :=)

Mike Westfall said...

Justin has more comments on his post, though.

CR said...

Mesa Mike,

Let's help Dan out, here.

So, Mesa Mike, how's it been going with you lately? Aw darn it, that violates one of Dan's rules for staying on topic. Okay, never mind.

Paul said...

I wanted to ask what you thought of James Hamilton's book. I haven't read it. should I?


DJP said...

It's quite good, Paul. I've read an article by him based on the same study, and it was very good and helpful. I don't know a book that faces exactly the same questions, it was a great recommendation by Dr. Matt Harmon of Grace Theological Seminary.