Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Abortion stats infographic

Via: Pro Life

For the Biblical perspective on abortion, see The Bible and the Bull's-Eye on the Baby.


Dan Sudfeld said...

God, help us!

Merrilee Stevenson said...

Another one that isn't often talked about is the 2nd and 3rd abortion statistics. While the abortion statistics in general are abominable, a person with compassion can surely understand to some degree why a young woman might be influenced to kill her baby. But the fact that she chooses it again and again in the very least shows that abortion obviously doesn't teach a girl how to make better decisions. I wonder if the government stopped allowing second or third abortions, how many lives would be saved, and how much money would be lost by those who exploit the human lives involved.

Wendy said...

When I found out I was pregnant at 25 - unsaved and unwed - the first question I was asked by every single one of my friends was "Are you going to keep it?" One friend gave me the location of a clinic she had used previously.

It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of how "natural" that question is becoming/has become. There are no smiles, no congratulations, nothing but Wow, what are you going to do about IT? That single, initial response relegates IT to being something threatening or depressing which is stronger than any form of peer pressure, in my opinion. If that makes sense at all...

Thankfully, adoption was more tempting than abortion...and thankfully, neither won out in the end :)

Karina קרינה said...

very informative, thankyou