Sunday, January 01, 2012

Knowing God is the free audiobook of the month

You will not want to miss this. If you have never read it — and even if you have — hie thee over to Christian Audio to download J. I. Packer's Knowing God. It is their free audiobook of the month.

I was saved in 1973, the year this book came out. A friend gave it to me in 1975, and I read it right away. It was very helpful and encouraging. Packer wrote of some of the deeper truths of theology — of God — but did it in a winsome, accessible way.

Wherever you are in your growth in Christ, I'm confident you'll find this an encouraging, helpful book.


Wendy said...

Someone gave me that book shortly after getting saved as well (I think it was one that came out in '94). I had to stop and ponder the wide variety of endorsers in the first few pages: Joni E. Tada, Bill Hybels, Swindoll, Hayford, Sproul....

My need to read good books, such as this one, grows larger, while my time available to read grows smaller. Both, exponentially so.

I don't think audio books would help - it still seems like you would have to make a quiet place to listen, instead of using it to multi-task. Am I wrong?

Susan said...

Just downloaded it. Thanks, Dan, and happy New Year to the Phillips clan! :)

DJP said...

Well, Wendy, the way I've listened to hundreds and hundreds of hours of such things is iPad/iPhone. I've listened while driving to/from work and all, and I've listened on my daily hour-long lunch walks. If nobody from my family's there to talk with me, I listen when I cook or do other household chores, or yardwork, or basically anything where I'm not neglecting interaction with another person by doing it. It's part of an overall itch to "use spare moments" that F. F. Bruce put into my head like 30+ years ago.

Hope that's of some help to you and anyone else.

mikew116 said...

One of my favorite books, I just read this last year. Wonderful book, thanks for the heads up.

Wendy said...

Ooh! I tried it - I have a whole bunch of hand-sewing to do so I listened while I got to work, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to pay attention! yay!!

Thomas Louw said...

Can anyone help me how the coupon thing works, I have subrcribed to their site for over year but never understood where to get the coupon.
I have e-mailed them before (I think) but no answer.

Any help.

DJP said...

Sweet, excellent. That makes me happy! Good deal. (c: